Final episode

Saw the final episode of this great show in UK this week. Where as I'm glad it didn't finish on a cliff hanger,(makes me wonder if they had already decided not to renew BEFORE they even finished filming) there are so many unanswered questions.

Ie. What IS behind the wall?
What has happened to Anna and her merry band of murderers?

Is Nigel building a army of DRNs with the synthetic souls and super chips?
What is Rudys background, we know he was a hacker but how did he come to work for the police?

What was with Dorians Dreams, and exactly why is he special?

Whats the background to John and Maldonados friendship? I was going to go with 'love child' but ages are too close. He destroys MX's and only gets a scolding??

Is Dorian ever going to use his 'my god is that all for one person??' piece of equipment?

Absolutly loved this show. Why o why was it cancelled?? I just don't believe it was anything to do with ratings.


Great set of questions, that should easily make up for a great second season. Keeping fingers crossed from Australia!


Okay, I'm lost. What second season??? It was cancelled.

I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one-John Lennon


Just to let you know, fans are still trying to get Almost Human renewed, or picked up by another network.

We do mass tweet-outs every Monday, 8 PM EST, 5 PM PST, and all relating time zones, with the hashtag #SaveAlmostHuman, and send them to as may networks as we can fit into the 140 spaces. Some of us post pictures and cartoons about the show as well.

We also started a mailing campaign, where we mail noodles (About the only thing Kennex eats) to Fox and Warner Brothers (Warner Bros created the show) Pack of Ramen, 3 postage stamps and it's on it's way!

Mailing peanuts helped get "Jericho" renewed (Yes, for only 1 season, but it's better than nothing!) so we hope to have the same effect with the noodle campaign!

You can check me out on twitter @JenCat004 for examples and info, or go here to see some of the stuff I've created to tweet out.

The show had good ratings, we're convinced we can get it back if enough people make enough noise! So please, mail some noodles, send some tweets, and let's get our show back on the air!

There is also an online petition to sign at There are more people signing it every day, so please be one of them. :)

Thanks much, and spread the word!


And yeah, I don't think it had anything to do with ratings. It was GOING to be renewed, until ONE "man", Peter Rice axed it.

My guess? Someone on the show pissed him off, wouldn't service him, some petty crap. WE'LL GET IT BACK! :)



It just finished a repeat on GO! here in Australia. I have to admit that the show grew on me. I like shows with a good ensemble cast and this was one of those. And the final scene, where they're called away to investigate a report, was a good one because it says "business as usual". It does seem a pity this never got renewed or picked up, but I'm writing this almost a year later from the original post, so that obviously never happened.

Laura Ess
