It's Coming on DVD!!!

Almost Human coming to DVD!

I hear it has a blooper reel! SQUEE!

I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one-John Lennon


Thank you, thank you so much for the DVD tip.


I'm getting my copy!

"When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER."


I just ordered my copy from Movies Unlimited. I'm thrilled that (whoever)
decided to release all 13 existing episodes. This show may have been cancelled,
but now it will live forever in my DVD collection.


Still waiting for a release date in UK. Can't wait, simply a brilliant series.


Just to let you know, fans are still trying to get Almost Human renewed, or picked up by another network.

We do mass tweet-outs every Monday, 8 PM EST, 5 PM PST, and all relating time zones, with the hashtag #SaveAlmostHuman, and send them to as may networks as we can fit into the 140 spaces. Some of us post pictures and cartoons about the show as well.

We also started a mailing campaign, where we mail noodles (About the only thing Kennex eats) to Fox and Warner Brothers (Warner Bros created the show) Pack of Ramen, 3 postage stamps and it's on it's way!

Mailing peanuts helped get "Jericho" renewed (Yes, for only 1 season, but it's better than nothing!) so we hope to have the same effect with the noodle campaign!

You can check me out on twitter @JenCat004 for examples and info, or go here to see some of the stuff I've created to tweet out.

The show had good ratings, we're convinced we can get it back if enough people make enough noise! So please, mail some noodles, send some tweets, and let's get our show back on the air!

There is also an online petition to sign at There are more people signing it every day, so please be one of them. :)

Thanks much, and spread the word!



Does anyone have any info on WHEN this is being released in UK?? I signed up to amazon over 3 months ago to be notified when available, but have heard nothing since.
Thank you.


I still ain't seen a single episode. I was hoping Netflix would get it but i don't see that happening now.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


I've been wondering when they were going to give Almost Human a DVD release.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


No Blu-ray? What is this, 2005?


What is this, 2005?
Even in 2015, numerous shows are still being released on DVD with no Blu-rays announced.
I wonder if there's any hope for an eventual Blu-ray release of AH.

I guess it's probably a budget-related decision (projected profits being deemed insufficient to motivate the investment in a Blu-ray release at this time)? ... But I don't know the biz.


For a show that was (if I recall correctly) nominated for an Emmy for its effects or whatnot, to not have a BD release is moronic.

I refuse to buy this on DVD, especially since they still have it in the airing order, instead of the ACTUAL order of the episodes.

They *beep* both the fans AND Wyman over royally in regards to this show.


Never got a chance to see this. Hope Netflix gets it eventually. Maybe that would create a resurgence & resurrect the defunct show.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


It's on Amazon Prime.


After watching the whole series twice now I am pleased w the encoding. It even looks good on a plasma.

I find your lack of foreskin disturbing


Happy there will be a DVD, still ticked at Fox for cancelling. Not that it stops them from trying to make some $$$ from the series.


Too bad this ain't on Netflix. Oh well.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®
