What is the PURPOSE of TV shows being aired out of order?
It happens all the time. WTF?
1.) The shows were completed out of order, and the whole production was in such a rush, they just flipped the burgers off the grill the moment there were done.
2.) Some marketing genius did a study that indicates airing shows out of order actually increases likability, based on an additional layer of complexity that engages the target audience viewer's mind.
3.) The airing manager got the reels messed up because they were simply high on crack at the time.
4.) The database was hacked by a terrorist organization, so the airing manger was looking at the wrong ordered list.
5.) Contracts were such that the network made MORE money if there was no second season.
6.) Chaos never died. Mistakes just happen.
7.) FOX is full of cocaine addicted rich kids, who have no idea what their jobs are, because they are all living in a world somewhere between Swimming with Sharks and Lord of the Flies, and proper airing order is much less important than making sure the new guy gets those TPS Reports done on time.
8.) Broadcasters have a secret agenda to insure their viewer population (“the cattle”) are primed for reruns that have no order – so they systematically mangle the order of new shows to inoculate and condition viewers to accept one-off showings.
9.) Show order is determined not by story arc, but by preview ratings arc. You want to be sure and have the first 4 shows your best, to hook a baseline audience, and that approach turns out better numbers for short term funding for the rest of the season. “Quarterly returns.”
10.) TV Executives make boat-loads of money no matter what happens. They are just laughing at the poor schmucks who watch TV, the rubes. “I'm so f'ing powerful I can show these in any order I want. MWAAAAAA Ha Ha Ha!!.”