Not much payoff
Not much payoff here. A lot of character development and exposition that just got abandoned. At least with Agatha Christie or other parlor mysteries, the red herrings wind up making sense and add the fun of the reveal. Here the whole thing just kind of went thud.
1) Alan -- what was his deal? He was kind of like interior decoration for the house, but a husband like that written and portrayed as so distant and submissive there had to be more than explains his motivation and inaction. How does some kind of blue-blood wind up married to a southern heiress with kids, only to wind up being her accessory?
2) The Police Chief. So *maybe* he had an affair with Adora? Kind of makes sense, maybe, but what's the deal with repeating that goofy morning domestic scene? I couldn't think of a single reason that was portrayed that tied into anything. Filler.
3) Camille's backstory is just as odd. It's basically confirmed she was gang-raped in high school. Or was she? I think this series used hazy, hallucinatory allusions a little too much. More solid backstory exposition on some of these characters and their past would have added something to this.
I mean it was a kind of entertaining ride overall, but at the end I think it could have been about 3 episodes shorter and wound up making more sense.