MovieChat Forums > Sharp Objects (2018) Discussion > All of Gillian Flynn's books rely heavil...

All of Gillian Flynn's books rely heavily on coincidental red herrings

Gone Girl: the psycho's ex just happens to also be a psycho
Dark Places: the house is invaded by a serial killer at the same time as another psycho is attacking someone
Sharp Objects: etc, etc


She's probably a psycho herself, thus the obsession with the psychos.


I do see your point and even considered these things at the time of reading..But then in considering many other forms of fiction I realized this is true, to some degree, in many forms of fictional entertainment.
I still found Dark Places and Gone Girl highly entertaining..
Sharp Objects, less so. But ok ...
Not sure yet how I feel about the show. It seems to be relying too heavily on atmosphere and symbolism


one trick pony
