Really dull characters.
It was a nice opening, I'll give it that, but it left me in Las Vegas.
Ish, Isherwood? Are they kidding?
This guy as the star of the movie is like having oatmeal as a main course. And the weird contraposition of the black woman and this white guy where they don't mention race at all, or their age difference?
It's like pairing Oprah with Timothy Challamet (sp?) it's just weird.
the could talk about it, which would be better than the constant sniping and blather dialog this series is full of.
I mean, if there is no chemistry, then the story has to rely on other elements, and it's just so bad.
We see that Ish's phone works from getting texts from his mom. So why did he just abandon it when it would have only taken him a moment to pick it up - uh, lifeline!?
Driving "off-grid" at 120 mph when there are no gas stations, road service, or other people? Suicidal? He claimed not.
Then it really bugged me that he picks up this dog alone sitting in the blazing sun on a hot road and doesn't give him a drink, and we never see him training or feeding the dog.
When he encounters the lady for the first time he has a rock pick in his hand like some kind of murderer?
It could be better in so many ways.