MovieChat Forums > Ben-Hur (2016) Discussion > It was as bad as the trailer made it loo...

It was as bad as the trailer made it look

Who was the idiot that okay'd the cast in this movie? Terrible cast and poorly directed, the second half was a little better, the first half I almost stopped watching but overall just a waste of a movie. I doubt you'll see Huston cast as lead in a big budget film again, this was a bomb and he was really miscast.


It wasn't that bad but took its time to get going, then it got good.


Jack Huston I found a perfectly likeable presence on screen. Ben-Hur underwhelming was not really his fault.

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I like Jack Huston but he was severly miscast here. Likable has nothing to do with it.
I suspect if they offered me the role of James Bond I'd take it for the money, but it would be terrible casting. Same with Huston as Ben Hur.


I was sooo disappointed in this movie. I'm a big fan of the 1959 one which I've seen numerous times.

But I thought the trailer was pretty good. A hundred times better the the movie, as it turned out.


I was sooo disappointed in this movie. I'm a big fan of the 1959 one which I've seen numerous times.

Hard to replace Chuck Heston in Technicolor.


You have impeccable taste in movies! 
