MovieChat Forums > The Originals (2013) Discussion > Semi OT- Aquarius Cancelled (Claire Holt...

Semi OT- Aquarius Cancelled (Claire Holt)

Found it via tweets, sounds like it's been on the cards. I feel sorry for Claire and not for my own wanting her to be on the show more. I'd rather she have a steady acting gig where she doesn't need to worry as opposed to in the situation The Originals' cast is in at the moment.

That and I don't think the CW is funding any extra main cast positions at the moment.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson


Why the concern for TO leads? Joseph has made millions, Daniel has made good money and so has his wife, Phoebe and Paul have made millions. Claire made good money and married a producer. It's not like they even have to work if they are futile.


There have been people who have made lots of money while on their show who aren't swimming in millions now. Plus I'm not sure how they are doing finance wise, like if they live modestly or way above their means, if it's way above their means, that could come crashing down for some of them when the shows are over since they aren't exactly getting a ton of endorsements outside of the show or creating anything to get royalties off of, plus TVDs isn't in reruns something I still don't get, BTW I thought about that when Arrow started in syndication a couple weeks back. But feeling sorry for them has nothing to do with money since I don't think the OP mentioned anything about feeling sorry for Claire because she doesn't have money, it's moreso because of their careers and wanting them to get more gigs like they deserve. Claire is a very talented actress who should go further than she has career wise.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


[What was strange about her leaving T.O. for Aquarius is she had little air time compared to her roll on T.O. She had no major stories to her character at all. Now I don't know how she was paid between the show's but she could've done better.


Maybe filming in Atlanta doesn't seem so bad to her all of sudden...

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"



Truthly it looks like she took time off with her husband in LA hired to the Aquarius show got canceled now back to ATL. A waste of time


Well it doesn't mean she's coming back to Atlanta, just cause that show got cancelled doesn't mean she's coming back to this one, which is what some people seem to believe.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"
