TV Line scoop season 4.

Spoiler alert: The Mikaelsons will eventually escape their psychic prison, triggering a long-awaited reunion between Hayley and Elijah that will serve as “one of the emotional cores of the season,” teases executive producer Michael Narducci. Complicating that relationship further will be Hayley’s daughter Hope, who “definitely shares her mother’s street smarts, but may or may not also display some of her father’s temper and willingness to do whatever it takes to protect her family.” Speaking of Klaus, “one of the great journeys of the season” will be his reckoning with Marcel — and there is “hope of healing some wounds.” Elsewhere, Freya will finally get a new love interest, setting the stage for an “emotional struggle [which] opens up a whole new dimension to the character.” (One final treat: Narducci promises we’ll get Claire Holt “for about half the season. Rebekah has an incredible journey to go on.”)

So Hope's a handful? I hope there will be avenging and not reconciliation with Marcel.
Stefan would make for a perfect love interest for Freya.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Are we getting Mystic Falls refugees in NOLA?

I'm so tired of the back and forth between Klaus and Marcel. They've fought and reconciled at least twice now, can we get a better plot for them? Calling a Haylijah reunion an emotional core of the season doesn't make me want to watch. I do wonder how Hope can be a complication to their relationship. Maybe she's intent on pulling a parent trap on her parents.


Maybe she's intent on pulling a parent trap on her parents.

OO great people think alike. I said the almost the same thing to someone else today. I hope it does not work which it will not. Hayley and Elijah deserve each other.

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


Stefan would make for a perfect love interest for Freya.

what about Caroline? IS she dead?

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


Just might be.


No she will not die. Like I have said it before, they wil not kill her for the very same reason they are not killing Hayley. Stefan on the other hand is another story.

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


They killed pregnant Jo, they're not killing Hayley because they don't want to. Caroline is expendable, the only character on TVD that's truly safe is Elena, and Alaric since we know he survives.


JO was not the main character. She was introduced in that season, was she not? Caroline and Hayley are. AND The other difference is that Jo died while her kids were not born. These two, they have kids who need their mothers.

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


Hayley and Elijah that will serve as “one of the emotional cores of the season,”

Oh hell no. I'm out.


Nothing about kol being in half the season.. i guess he will only be in a few episodes less than last season... dam :(


He's in finale and considering there's only thirteen episodes, I think Kol is in quite a few.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson
