I want to see Freya take her place over the shadow of Klaus's mantel to be honest, she is the eldest. Furthermore, I want some of them to be witches in the end, I don't want the fate for all of them. Elijah is the perfect gentlemen vampire.
But yes, a happy ending. I want an ending something like Buffy, where NOLA is completely abandoned by them (home destroyed/etc), and they are moving on more importantly as a family. Though, they are out of NOLA for now, but not sure if it is permanent... But anyway, with the future is bright feeling at the end with it.
I want them to finally address their enemy building, and (probably under the direction/help of Freya above), guide them to a more sensible disposition and attitude. Deal with Klaus's mania. Somehow; but if it ends in his death I wouldn't enjoy it, but I wouldn't freak out too much over it. But it would have to be done rather perfectly, and for the rest of them.
But leave it open that places like the other side/ancestors/etc - are still there, and that he can technically be brought back in the future. But don't actually make that a thread, but just never touch the topic. Let the fans decide in their own mind.
But it definitely needs to end as a strong, family first unity at the end. In my opinion, that is what made the show, and how it should end.