First trailer and with


Looking good, how I missed them!

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Never realized how much I have actually missed this show, it's like a void has been filled. I'd say j can't wait, but when it's here TVD will be gone. Oh man, what a ride this year might be.


It felt so good seeing Cami, though I know it wasn't the real her. The entire promo looks awesome! I can't wait! 😂


If it is the real Cami I'll be so happy.


Everything about this promo makes me happy...I've missed this show so much. I want to punch Marcel hard- I don't want him dead but re-watching Season Three reminds me of his culpability in what happened to Davina. Like it or not, when you talk about Mikaelsons being responsible for her fate- that includes him.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson
