Again the Audio Commentary translated
Hey guys, I just realized that the thread where I posted my translation of the audio commentary has gone. But I'm very relieved to find that I had saved it in a file, so I'll just put it up again. My english isn't perfect, and I tried to stick close to their actual words and phrasings, so the sentences are often somewhat choppy. I hope you'll still have fun with it. For those of you who haven't read it before, there is some great information and funny moments.
Part 1
Stephan Lacant: Well, now we are sitting here together one year after the film shooting, the movie had its evaluation in the theatres, and is about to be released on DVD and that's why we're sitting here and making an audio commentary.
Hanno Koffler: We have to introduce ourselves now...
SL: Yes, you have to introduce yourselves.
HK: Does anyone know who's voice...well next to me is sitting Max.
Max Riemelt: Exactly, the Max Riemelt who's playing Kay Engel.
HK: The sausage king.. (the others laugh) And in the middle Hanno Koffler, and I play Marc.
SL: And I'm Stephan Lacant and play the director.
(Running scene)
MR: And it already starts.
SL: And it already starts, running.
MR: You look like Ben Stiller.
HK: Since we looked at the ending for a long time, now to start with something positive: I liked this idea a lot that you and Karsten the screenwriter had, to tell Marc's liberation and development through finding his breathing, finding to himself.
SL: Yes, yes, I like that as well.
HK: Here we see that something's wrong with him even though he's a fit guy.
MR: He's very tensed up...(Hanno laughs) technique.
HK: *beep*, yeah, he's tensed up, something's wrong.
SL: I remember during this running we had an oppressive heat, the extras almost dropped one after the other because we ran about 15 kilometers to shoot all the different takes, and it had 35 degree certainly.
HK: And the funny thing about this is – we were quite fit, we did this a few times more, and every extra was almost one head taller than Max and I. (laughs)
SL: 'Freier Fall', the title, came about quite late. We had a lot of titles at times, and 'Freier Fall' came someday during taking a walk, where we had the thought that it was a wordplay on the one hand and on the other it characterizes what all the characters are going through in the movie.
(Marc getting ready, Kay waking up)
SL: Police, well generally it was like that the location - we were shooting in Baden-Würtemberg in Ludwigsburg - and how difficult it was to find such locations, police barracks, so we eventually found a location at the PH Ludwigsburg, which is a university, and build us the police setting.
(Group police training)
MR: This here was very difficult, to do something like this without anyone getting hurt...
(Marc and Kay fighting)
MR: ...because it's funny how the dynamic develops an own dynamic, so to speak, when people are supposed to practice for an emergency and actually put everything in. Well we had a consultant there who showed us the exercises, or the sense and purpose of it, but it's still difficult to get it done in a clean way.
SL: Absolutely, with so many people, to coordinate everything, but the boys did a good job there...
HK: And at the same time it's always about to tell something internal, something that's happening between the two of them, and this in a short time so that the audience doesn't get bored and something new is happening in every scene, and...but...
(Marc smoking, Kay joining him)
HK: ...yes this was also a very beautiful scene.
MR: Yes, there my weed smoking is being established. (all are laughing) Which I find quite positive about this character. Which makes him so ambivalent.
HK: Here we were shooting at two different days, right? Because at the one we had a technical problem with the camera...
MR: Right, Stephan? (all are laughing)
SL: What do I have to do with that?
MR: But this was the decision to play it safe...
HK: What did we choose in the end, the take of the Red or the other camera?
SL: No, the take of the Alexa. We had a Red temporarily because we had a technical problem, so the day of shooting was canceled, and we did a retake but decided to use the Alexa material. Because we shot the whole movie with the Alexa, and the look of the Red is different and wouldn't match.
(Kay offers the joint to Marc)
MR: There was a big storm coming up during this, I remember.
HK: Oh yes.
MR: The stand of the light was standing up on the 'Steiger' (PrivateBozz note: neither do I know what this is nor how to translate, has to be some part of equipment)...
SL: Yes, on the 'Steiger' and the thunderstorm came.
HK: Oh yes, right, and there was this announcement constantly 'do we take it down or do we not take it down'...and as we can see quite well there in the backround, the lawn is being sprinkled, which we have been running around previously.
SL: Yes.
(Swimming pool scene)
SL: Last day of shooting. (laughs)
HK: Yes, last day of shooting, there we already wanted...we wanted...
MR: We were already celebrating.
SL: Everyone wanted to party and thought 'oh god, now we have to spend hours in the water, and the Lacant doesn't give us a break, and again, and again, and again' (laughs)
HK: And like always the time was running, and with this scene I remember how you were thinking back and forth 'hey, do we have to go in another time, do we need that shot again between the two of them, this switching look between Kay and Marc', but it all told itself.
ST: Yes, it all told itself, but when you're in the middle of it and don't have the monitor infront of you the whole time, then you don't...I found it immensely important that this is the beginning, that somehow through a tiny glance something is coming up between the two of you...
MR: And not to tell it in a coming of age kind of way, that was the other big debate, how do you do it in a way that doesn't...
(Marc getting out of the pool)
SL: Here was a big problem because we had a limited amount of these uniforms, which means they had to get dried at the same time, because we did the take of the jump many times, and in between we had to dry the uniform...blow-drying the hair, the whole program.
HK: Exactly.
(Marc leaving the swimming hall)
HK: And something like this tells so much already, without having to speak it out, how you are looking after him, how he turns around and you put your head back, and already... I think it's so beautiful that there remains a question mark... 'how long have they known each other?' 'How long have they been at this training camp together?'. I like that, the fact that it's a mystery.
(Marc and Kay at the lecture)
SL: Yes, yes, absolutely.
HK: And you enter, and you know something is there already. Attraction, repulsion...
(Marc and Kay jogging)
SL: And running again... We were searching for this piece of forest for a long time.
HK: Really, because it looks like everywhere.
SL: Well we had...there's always the problem of the arrival of the whole rabble with trucks and everything... And the location was 1 1/2 hours outside of Ludwigsburg I believe, because we didn't find real forest around Ludwigsburg, it was all just periphery forests... And here this I think is a great place somehow, with the moss from the slopes...
HK: All the running scenes were dubbed, because we were there with a very loud car where the camera was driving along. And normally it's tricky with the dubbing, but I think it worked quite well.
(Marc and Kay smoking)
SL: This scene we had at the casting.
HK: Casting scene.
SL: Yes. Which you did incredibly well at the casting already, where everyone immediately knew that these two had to play the roles. Well, this really
MR: Oh, in the beginning they gave me these nasty cigarettes that made me really sick.
HK: Yes, right? We both were... And then we had to run simultaneously, that was bad...
MR: But with herbal cigarettes it worked.
(Kay giving Marc the shot)
SL: This is an idea of you two that came up at the casting, this shot.
MR: Yes, the shot.
SL: Because there was always the question how you get to that kiss. And, yeah, great idea... I have to say that we didn't really practice that much, but we talked quite long about the script together, Hanno, Max, Katharina. And everyone was there, and we worked on the script a lot.
HK: A lot, yes.
SL: We rearranged a lot, threw out a lot, exactly.
HK: The way the script was you could have done a 120 minute movie easily, but I think the decisions that were made to shorten it were consequent and right.
SL: Yes, yes.
(Marc and Bettina love scene)
HK: This was great, in my opinion, well from... (all laughing) The sex was great, Katharina! No, I think this is a nice switch from the sparkling joint smoking situation between Kay and Marc directly to the sex between Bettina and Marc. Because you associate in all directions of course.
SL: Yes, yes.
MR: Yes, and again great camera, for sure. Especially these bed things, the very close, super close are very aesthetic I have to say, no matter if between man and man or woman.
SL: Yes, Sten Mende the camera man, excellent. And, we thought about the concept for a long time and chose this very close concept. That we are really close to the characters, and which I find - watching it now with some distance - works really well.
HK: Yes. There's often the question what's television and what's cinema. And I think cinema is about consequence, no matter what direction you choose. Into the extremes. And I find it consequently decided to stay close to it all.
(Family filming for the baby)
HK: This was quite a fuss with the dolly shot, because this was taken in one shot, this one situation, right, as the camera moves. Now it's been cut, but we had one...we shot the whole scene with one camera.
SL: Yes, exactly. Which we did a lot, to shot the takes...
HK: Shoot the master through.
SL: Shot it through, exactly. So that something natural can develop.
MR: Something natural that neutralizes it... I mean your hair color. (all laughing)
HK: Oh the hair color!
(Policemen in the car before operation)
HK: We can tell some insider anecdotes here... Well there were actually HOT discussions about the hair color of Marc Borgmann. Stephan had the ingenious idea that Marc should have dark hair because Max' and my natural hair colors are very close. So we dyed the hair. Unfortunately then happened what shouldn't happen, the hair looked completely dyed...and red.
SL: And red.
HK: And this is exactly what we didn't want, since we wanted a very heterosexual masculine policeman who isn't vain and certainly doesn't walk around with dyed hair... And we had some difficulties to light it right. There are scenes were I, because I know it (PrivateBozz note: noise of the scene is too loud to make out Hanno's words)
(Bowling scene)
SL: Here I have to say, the police operation...
(Bettina turns around after shooting the ball)
HK: Super beautiful from Katharina, now, I love it when she turns around.
SL: Yes, a great moment.
HK: She plays it fantastic.
SL: Yes, amazing. Police operation: we would have liked, and it was also in the script, to show scenes of actual operations...
MR: In the stadium...
SL: In the stadium and such things, but the budget...
MR: The dimensions...
SL: ...would have been to big. And in the end we only focussed on the car... This was shot in the stand, with umpteen people who walked by from the left and the right with lights, rain machine etc. But I think with the really great sound design that Jörg did everything got this authentic note. And many viewers said afterwards that they didn't even miss the operation scenes, and that they think it's great that we stayed with the characters and kept everything small.
(Marc and Bettina bathroom scene)
HK: Here a very important scene for the development of the relationship of Marc and Bettina. To tell something playful and nice between the two of them, because actually...they love each other, and it all works, also the sex, and it's immensely important to play a natural, beautiful scene that might come from a certain difficulty, but they are capable of solving it in a positive way. There is the difficulty with the parents, it gets a little too cramped for Katharina...
MR: This might have been the main problem between you two, the house...
HK: Yes, of course, the house plays a part...
MR: The house is a crucial factor...
HK: That's right.
MR: ...that influences you.
HK: This narrowness.
(Marc and Bettina on the bed)
SL: This is a very great moment, this scene on the bed. I think it's amazing.
HK: And for those who want to watch the scene again, in the beginning, it's very subtle, Marc is packing his jogging shoes, and one second he pauses and looks at the jogging shoes... And you miss this, but Kay is present.
(Police academy attendance routine)
SL: Back at the training.
HK: And he's not present anymore, Kay.
SL: Kay is not present anymore... Lensfler.
(Marc smoking outside)
SL: Between this there was an other scene...
MR: In the canteen.
SL: the canteen, that you can watch with the deleted scenes.
MR: But that became unnecessary, because...
(Kay comes up to Marc)
MR: Tadaa, there he is.
HK: And everything is told here actually. Because it was about telling about attraction and repulsion, Kay – wich was a conscious decision – appears from nowhere, like without past, he just comes, he appears in Marc's life. And we wanted...there it was important to tell a moment where something klicks... And I think it's very cool.
SL: Yes, this comes...
HK: I love this glance when you light the cigarette here, it's one of my favorite, it looks awesome...and when you are lighting the cigarette and looking up from below like that. Really cool. (PrivateBozz note: he sounds so sweet here, enthusiastic and at the same time slightly embarrassed)
(all laughing)
MR: Um...
HK: Um...
(all laughing again suggestively)
HK: Very nice.
SL: One of the last smoker movies.
HK: Yes, incredible what we smoked there.
SL: In every scene almost...
HK: Even though we are both non-smokers, Max and I.
MR: Yes.
HK: Big performance.
(Marc after Kay has left)
HK: And...tadaa. Now he takes a breath - 'what's going on here?'.
SL: Here we thought as well about how long we wanted to let the look stand.
HK: Yes, but Monika, the editor and you, you both had a great feeling for this.
SL: Yes, Monika is really amazing.
HK: When do you go out of and when do you go into the scene, and shorten scenes consequently or let them stand in exactly the right length. For my taste.
SL: Yes it was a great work with Monika, I did enjoy it a lot. She has a great sense of timing, of characters, of emotions.
HK: Look, now we do remember some positive things after all. (all laughing)
MR: All the things I remember about the costumes. When we organised them the control station of the drivers license called me because I had to give an urine sample in order to get my drivers license back... (all laughing) There I didn't want to tell that I wasn't there in Berlin. Things like that come up when I look at the costumes, really crass.
HK: The essential things.
(Marc on the phone with Bettina)
HK: Another scene where we thought back and forth, do we throw it out of the script or not, and...
SL: And finally we did it in a trice during a shooting break...
HK: Because it was extremely important to both of us, Stephan, because we said that Bettina has to, she has to be present, she has to be an obstacle, and more than anything he's breaking himself his own heart, he can't help it, but Bettina is there and he doesn't want to hurt her...
(Marc jogging in the forest)
MR: The sounds of the electric guitar...
HK: And he's running away from himself, from his inner enemy, from his longing, from the truth, and from...
(right in that moment Kay is catching up)
(all laughing)
SL: There he comes!
HK: ...the short-haired black.
SL: Apropos, regarding the music, we had really great music...
MR: The theme.
SL: Dürbeck & Dohmen, and in the end we chose this guitar theme, that is very great in my opinion, and a very reduced kind of music, just like the whole sound design is very reduced.
MR: Which by the way is introduced only now.
SL: Yes, exactly.
MR: With this scene.
SL: And this I ike a lot, that it leaves air for the characters, that not everything is pasted up. That it gets a certain quiescence, something atmospheric.
(Kay grabbing Marc's face, trying to kiss him)
SL: Well this is an amazing scene, I really have to say, it is truly great.
MR: Yes, my scene with a man. Super scratchy in the face, but other than that...impeccable. (first quiet, then they start laughing)
HK: No, but you have to say here... But you should actually say this, Stephan.
SL: What?
HK: Yeah Max and I we've known each other really for a long time...
SL: I have to say that?
HK: No that's nonsense...
SL: You've known each other for a long time. (all laughing)
HK: There have been quite some people we had for casting, but,
MR: The idea alone...
HK: The idea alone to do this with someone else didn't work and...
MR: It's very difficult...
HK: And I believe we two are pretty much alike here, what we're looking for regarding authenticity. And so we threw oureselves into it.
MR: And Stephan wanted everything. He also wanted me to give him (Marc/Hanno) a hand job, and then I'm doing that, for Stephan. (Hanno laughing)
SL: We made this decision together. (all laughing)
MR: We made this decision together, that's right.
HK: Yes.
(Kay looking at Marc after the hand job)
SL: Here as well, the looks at the end, they are truly amazing.
HK: I like it when he now, the hand below, watch...
(Kay reaching for Marc's hand, Marc putting it back down)
SL: Yes, yes...
HK: And then he puts it away. 'Don't touch me again down there.' (all laughing) But these are things that really happen, it's not like you think about this, these are impulses when you can truly let yourself fall together, then...
SL: You also have to say that a lot came up during shooting. Someday we started to always, after executing the dialogues of the script so to speak, try to find time for completely improvised takes. And there are many moments that made it into the movie.