I couldn't believe..
The criticism of this show. I thought it was absolutely brilliant and moving. It wasn't that funny or anything, but every episode really moved me and made me think how brilliant show it is. I just felt so much sympathy for Derek and the way he affected people around him.. it was just amazing. Also how they wanted to show the world that the elderly have stories and memories was very moving. Only thing that I didn't like that much was Kev and his role as 'comedic relief'. Honestly, I don't think the show needed him.
But the criticism. I just don't understand, people are bashing it for not being funny, people bashing Ricky Gervais for trying to mock disabled or handicapped people when the show had nothing to do with that.. Was it marketed to Big Bang theory audience or how the hell was it so negatively received?
I hope Ricky will never start listening to critics and will keep doing shows like this.