MovieChat Forums > The Hornet's Nest (2014) Discussion > Always make room for the vets

Always make room for the vets

I was going to enlist, probably for all the wrong reasons back in Desert Storm. Things being what they are, I didn't. Having experienced life since then I can give a full amount of respect to the young men fighting, not necessarily for their political beliefs but for and with the troops by their side. I cannot imagine the terrible things that are seen in times of war and I hope no one does. But wars do happen and spirits get scarred. We all see what the Afghan campaign is doing to many of those who have come back. Let us hope this is the last war we see. Veterans, my hat is off to you.

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As long as humans exist, there will always be War.


As long as religion exists, there will always be war.


You're looking at a small portion of the picture Jake.. If religion didn't exist, humankind would be killing each other over; Land, resources, politics, etc..


Wrong, we'd just find other pretenses.
