MovieChat Forums > A Madea Christmas (2013) Discussion > So is this movie already a huge flop?

So is this movie already a huge flop?

Virtually zero comments here from anybody who saw the movie.
Actually not many comments at all.
For a brand new movie with major release, that's weird.
Seems like nobody saw it.

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It is projected to make $15 million opening weekend--Tyler Perry's lowest weekend opening--but it will stick around through Christmas and still make a tidy profit. Its budget couldn't have been more than $20-30 mil.


Box Office Mojo is reporting it made almost 6 million on Friday. These movies make money.


Any movie that makes its budget back, plus a profit...even if it's a small technically a hit. I have a feeling Madea's Christmas will do just that.


Not really.
There's always someone on every message that tries to defend a flop with your argument.
Almost every movie makes a profit eventually. They are not "hits".
Go ahead- name any movie you consider a flop. It made money.

Ones that make way less than expectation are considered flops. Especially if they are critical flops.

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These madea films are low budget so they tend to make their money back.


Get that?
Studios are not in the business of making movies to lose money.
It just does not happen.
They get their *beep* movies into Wal-Mart and eventually people will buy them.
Studios do not want to break even or make a small profit.
They want to make big profits.

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I saw the movie today (along with a theater full of people--the line was out the door), and it was very entertaining. I think the movie has already made back the production costs--like the other Madea movies, it will make money.
