Favorite Madea movie?

Huge dan of madea; I love ALL of the madea movies (DOAMBW, MFR, MGTJ, ICDBABM, MBHF,MWP, AMC. But I think witness protection was my favorite. It's also my favorite movie of all time. Really epic, HILARIOUS movie. Characters and character development were great too.

So yeah, what's yours?


personally i liked "madea dies in a car accident" best. it was a worthy sequel to "madea gets dismembered".


I would appreciate it if you would not be a terrible troll.


i would appreciate it if you wouldn't be such a brainless consumer beep.

btw, looking forward to "maddea in - maddea, the maggot infested corpse"


My favorite was a madea Christmas.


Family reunion with honorable mention to Diary of a mad black woman
