Wesker died like a b*tch

The strongest and most interesting character in the whole RE series, is not only a supporting bad guy and not the main antagonist in the final film, the guy who survived a shotgun blast to the face is killed by a DOOR! A *beep* DOOR! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! 

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


I'm pretty sure that Wesker is a clone. They saved the other Wesker, from Afterlife and maybe even Retribution, for future sequels with Jill, Leon, Claire and Chris.

Their were a few shots of the camera panning to his eyes/glasses, when we know that's a signature move from Afterlife where his eyes would/should glow, but they didn't. He was a mere human with no T-Virus in him.

That's my theory! Or Paul just didn't care and only focused on Alice.


This is also exactly my theory, it's an open door for future sequel where Wesker is still alive.

The only question is - was Wesker at The Hive the real human Wesker, or a clone? Is the T-Virus Wesker the real Wesker or just a clone?

There are also Umbrella forces and bases still active elsewhere at the end of The Final Chapter, so it would make sense that Wesker would lead them.

However, you do have to ask what is the point, with the cryogenically frozen 'elite' all gone now and the alleged 'master plan' out the window.

Perhaps there are more of them elsewhere.

I feel like The Final Chapter is a stupid, incoherent mess, but another sequel could clear up alot of things and make it sort of OK retrospectively.


While I wouldn't consider the movie series even "good" overall, it certainly had some fun moments. Having just seen the Final Chapter though, I felt it was the poorest, and mainly due to the sidelining of Wesker in favor of retconning in Isaacs as the main bad guy.

Now, I am a HUGE Iain Glen fan, and he was great hammy fun in this, but suddenly making the forgettable bad guy of one of the weakest films the main villain for the final act seemed quite jarring to me, especially as Wesker had been nicely set up over the previous three films for a showdown with Alice.

The fact they gave Isaacs "superpowers" (straight from the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies, of all things!) to fight Alice when Wesker could - SHOULD - have done so just seemed even more jarring. Could Wesker's actor not be in the film more than he was for some reason?!

I think they should have had Wesker fight Alice in the classic laser room, have her trick HIM with the grenade, then either finish him with the laser grid or leave him to die either then and there or when Alyssa self-destructs the facility. Then have Alice chase Isaacs to the surface, where he is confronted and stabbed by his zealot clone.

This would give both characters fitting ends, not change the script apart from one fight scene, remove the ridiculous "I'm a cyborg" WTF powers of Isaacs (who should not survive a grenade exploding in his pocket regardless!) and keep the same ending.

But then, as I said, plot, script and - well - planning wasn't really this series' strong suite! I mean, pretty much each film retconned or rebooted the previous one!


"He'll be back" like Arnold in terminator.
