First thing I thought of before they executed the plan was, "why don't they just take a train ride to a new location and have Bo use her powers right before?" That way they'd all go to a location where Bo and the group would have already left.
Also even after Winter specifically told Bo not to use her powers even if she was tempted, she still did it anyways.. even when Tate told her not too, and even risking Tate and Bo on the line. Bo is hot and all, has a good heart and all, but she's so stubborn and careless that she turns out to be really annoying. I know she's 10 years old and all, but still ... she's putting a lot of people she cares about on the line for random strangers she's never met before.
If Bo wasn't helping some random guy at a restaurant or cafe, then she might have been able to help prevent Ms. Channing from getting caught.
So now the team is shortened to just Winter, Tate, and Bo. Their odds of suriving and protecting Bo don't look good right now.
the writers have backed themselves into a corner with this one. The only way out I see is a possible trade, Bo for Channing. The problem was that Channing never should have gotten caught, that whole scene was completely illogical. She was blocked by Winter and Co from detection, the two persons that did see her, one was knocked out, the other said she wouldn't say anything. They weld shut the door in the three minutes it took for her to finish the mission, yet according to Winter and Co, they had no idea the shaft existed?
However, Skorous has the IQ of a kumquat and doesn't realize if he pisses Bo off enough, she can turn him into something resembling week old road kill. And it's Skorous's own fault.
The "protecting Bo" thing is actually getting in the way, the story can't expand or move forward because of it. It doesn't ring true because now both Tate AND Winter are making her practice. Which leads to another question, what about the degrade? I though that if Bo uses her power too much, it can kill her??
The "protecting Bo" thing is actually getting in the way, the story can't expand or move forward because of it. It doesn't ring true because now both Tate AND Winter are making her practice. Which leads to another question, what about the degrade? I though that if Bo uses her power too much, it can kill her??
I think it's that she practices with small things, such as the changing water shapes, as opposed to doing the bigger things, such as throwing the car. Winter seems to be saying that she has to get stronger, develop and control her abilities, so that's why they're doing the practice, learning to master control over smaller things, which will then help her to do larger things. I suppose the way to think of it as if she is an athlete; you wouldn't run a marathon without first having done lots of smaller runs, building up gradually.
Zoe was worried about Bo degrading because they are making her use her powers to defend both herself and Tate; with so many people after them, Zoe is worried that Bo will overstretch herself at such a young age, without having developed her abilities gradually.
true Xander and I understand your logic, but the problem was that the degrade was one of the biggest issues they were afraid of at the beginning of the series. Nina was fully developed, and it ended up killing her.
It also leaves the question, What the hell are they going to do with Bo once Skouras is out of the picture?
I guess we'll see what happens in the next few episodes.
I've been following your posts, artcurus-1, and you seem to be a logical thinker about this whole series, which I greatly appreciate. I'm curious if you've had the same question I'm now having, which is this: Did the writers of this show first set out a full story arc, thought through logically with all threads tied neatly together at the end, before the series ever first aired? I would think that that would be the first thing the producers would have demanded in order to avoid that whole "painting themselves into a corner" predicament, which seems to be happening over and again now at an alarming rate. Your description of the series as a "slow motion train wreck" would provoke a good laugh if it weren't so sadly true. This show has SO much potential, and Bo is such an appealing character (and, growing into the role, so is her father), that I'm hoping the writers can rescue it -- and themselves -- before the powers-that-be finally grow so tired of the plot holes and illogic that they cancel the series.
Unfortunately, the series is already toast with renewal unlikely.
About halfway through the first season while in the development stage, some of the producers/writers actually abandoned it or left due to creative differences. The problem was that they didn't establish anything in the way of cohesive character growth, plot lines, or much of anything else, and now we are seeing the result of it. What started out a full story arc, got derailed.
To be honest, the highest point in this series was actually Beginner's Luck, it was the strongest episode both in writing, style, and character interaction.
Believe or not, I've been actually trying to open a line of communication with Mark Friedman (Johnny's dad and main producer) through Johnny's fan mail address. There is a very very slim chance the series COULD be saved if a few certain things happen. But they have to happen in a certain order with no deviation.
be finally grow so tired of the plot holes and illogic that they cancel the series.
Unfortunately that's what's already happened, viewers have abandoned it because of this. I've stuck with it, because, well, it's almost over and it's fun to scream "Oh oh why did you do that?" at the TV screen. Plus I have a 1500 page novel I wrote about a girl that's sort of like Johnny, that's in a much, much worse situation. Only difference is that my girl, Danielle, is a fully developed character, and her story is much darker.
Johnny is a strong actress, and I also have another idea about a story that was published in 1994, called Torment by Stephen R. George. It's an old school, character driven, very spooky, ghost/possession story. Johnny would nail it, she's a perfect match for the lead child actress and she's in almost every scene. With an R rating, this story would be "the" movie for Johnny, she could prove herself.
Unfortunately, while some disagree with me, Bo as a character has fallen apart somewhat. She's done a 180 since the beginning of the series, and has broken to some extent, whats called character integrity. Agreed that as a whole, it looks good on the surface, but if you understand how characters are built (as I do, Danielle is built properly, and she's consistent throughout my novel, her reactions/actions are the same and consistent), then you notice certain things.
I appreciate all your analyses of this series. Too bad they didn't have you on the team to begin with to avoid all these ridiculous pitfalls, but then maybe some of the others would have had "creative differences" with you as well, and you might have been forced out. Who knows. Anyhow, I hope you get your novel published -- it sounds like a winner -- and I hope you can sell somebody on optioning the rights to "Torment" and starring Johnny in it.
the writers have backed themselves into a corner with this one. The only way out I see is a possible trade, Bo for Channing. The problem was that Channing never should have gotten caught, that whole scene was completely illogical. She was blocked by Winter and Co from detection, the two persons that did see her, one was knocked out, the other said she wouldn't say anything. They weld shut the door in the three minutes it took for her to finish the mission, yet according to Winter and Co, they had no idea the shaft existed?
Winter and Co. were probably wrong that they had no idea the shaft existed. They probably spotted her before the cameras went down. Instead of placing the entire place on lockdown and spooking her, they thought they'd lure Channing into a false sense of security, but trap her just as she thinks she is about to get away.
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They had no idea that Channing was even a threat. Remember, it's always been out in the field per say.
The conversation right before Channing went to Orchestra was that the security had been tightened tremendously.
Aside from the fact that the damn sewer line grate was in THE MAIN BASEMENT?? REALLY??? That security hole should have been plugged long before Channing got involved if they had known about it. It was right there in the open!
The sewer line grate should have been in say an old, unused part of the building.
Never question the writers of this show, they are God. :-)
"the writers have backed themselves into a corner with this one."
"The only way out I see is a possible trade, Bo for Channing."
Since Channing was on the team to protect Bo, then trading Bo for Channing would be pointless. She even told Winter, "If I don't make it back, protect Bo."
"The problem was that Channing never should have gotten caught,"
To keep the story going in a smooth way... yes.
"that whole scene was completely illogical. She was blocked by Winter and Co from detection, the two persons that did see her, one was knocked out, the other said she wouldn't say anything."
Even though she was monitored by Winter and the temp, Channing still had to find her own routes to hide and escape. I think that Skouras' team didn't go out and look for Channing, but she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. BTW, when I saw it I immediately said, "if only she had a gun.... then she would have been able to shoot Skouras and his goons in the legs and then she could have escaped.
"However, Skorous has the IQ of a kumquat and doesn't realize if he pisses Bo off enough, she can turn him into something resembling week old road kill. And it's Skorous's own fault."
LOL, MOST TV Villans are like that.
"The "protecting Bo" thing is actually getting in the way, the story can't expand or move forward because of it."
I thought "protecting Bo" was the whole PREMISE of the show.
"It doesn't ring true because now both Tate AND Winter are making her practice. Which leads to another question, what about the degrade? I though that if Bo uses her power too much, it can kill her??"
Tate is allowing her to take breaks. And I can totally see where Winter is coming from on this. They get "located" so much that Bo needs to get her powers to get stronger to protect herself and the team from all the times that Skouras finds them and he WILL find them!
Which begs the question, why not use the temp to begin with?
Since Channing was on the team to protect Bo, then trading Bo for Channing would be pointless. She even told Winter, "If I don't make it back, protect Bo."
Maybe, but not knowing what Skouras's plans are (well aside from upping the Bling factor while dissing with his homies and cashing some serious coinage) and that is if Bo doesn't turn him into road kill. If Skouras wants Bo bad enough, then it's possible.
Even though she was monitored by Winter and the temp, Channing still had to find her own routes to hide and escape. I think that Skouras' team didn't go out and look for Channing, but she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Possible, but again that damn grate had huge neon arrows spelling out OPEN ALL NIGHT pointing right to it. (Sorry it's been a long day) which actually supports your theory
BTW, when I saw it I immediately said, "if only she had a gun.... then she would have been able to shoot Skouras and his goons in the legs and then she could have escaped.
Agreed, there's so much PC in this, and without Bo, she was pretty on her own when it comes to effective weaponry. However, this seems to be the trend, make guns or even the THOUGHT of guns, undesirable.
So much of the BS could have been avoided by the good guys pulling out a Smith and Wesson hand cannon or a bazooka.
"Which begs the question, why not use the temp to begin with?"
That's who I thought they were going to use at first to keep a more all around experienced person (and main character) on the team. But I figured because of Channing's experience, they used Channing.
""Since Channing was on the team to protect Bo, then trading Bo for Channing would be pointless. She even told Winter, "If I don't make it back, protect Bo.""
"Maybe, but not knowing what Skouras's plans are (well aside from upping the Bling factor while dissing with his homies and cashing some serious coinage) and that is if Bo doesn't turn him into road kill. If Skouras wants Bo bad enough, then it's possible."
No, I meant trading Bo for Channing would be pointless from WINTER'S TEAMS' point of view!
""BTW, when I saw it I immediately said, "if only she had a gun.... then she would have been able to shoot Skouras and his goons in the legs and then she could have escaped.""
"Agreed, there's so much PC in this, and without Bo, she was pretty on her own when it comes to effective weaponry. However, this seems to be the trend, make guns or even the THOUGHT of guns, undesirable."
Yeah, that's why I was so frustrated when Bo helped Gary during the time they told her NOT to use her powers and Tate even told her not to help anyone until they would be able to hide from the telekinetic locator. During the time she was helping Gary, she could have helped Channing (someone she actually knew, that she knew cared about her) and could have helped Channing during the time Channing was risking her life for HER... instead Bo chose to help some random guy she's never met before.
About the guns, I know that Winter says, "We don't do guns, we're the good guys," but I think for SOME missions, I think they should overwrite that for their own safety.... heck they are already fugitives... so no need to worry about getting arrested for having a weapon.
"even when Tate told her not too, and even risking Tate and Bo on the line. BO IS HOT and all, has a good heart and all, but she's so stubborn and careless that she turns out to be really annoying"
Maybe its a typo or maybe its a phrase i'm not getting, but are you referring to a 10 year old girl as hot? Although she is a tv show character, but still, that's creepy if that's what you meant.