MovieChat Forums > Believe (2014) Discussion > Is there anyway this show can be renewed

Is there anyway this show can be renewed

I know an increase in ratings is a long shot but like with "Hannibal" last year which didn't have strong ratings I was wondering if there were any chances this could be renewed.


Anything is possible but I would not bet against cancelation. Ratings for yesterday's episode dropped again, down to 1.0, don't recall ever hearing about renewal of a show with numbers this bad.


I was wondering the same thing, but I think it is highly unlikely unless a major change happens and more people watch the show.


IF only the network gave it more promos/advertisements for people to see I think it would've had a chance, but the network could give a fly *beep* about this show! Its sad because it HAS so much potential especially w/the new girl Dani who I think is going to be Nina's sister, who has the powers as well (I'm just guessing she's Bo's aunt). It would've been so MUCH better if they introduced her earlier in the season, its like the network is TRYING to get rid of this show. I think it would've done better on SyFy or any other network. It makes me very unhappy because Tate and Bo are connecting so much better now after she found out Tate was her father - I think deep down she knew the "secret" (or Bo had her suspicions) that Winter's had and that Bo couldn't figure out is Tate was her father -BUT even before that "big reveal" (although some viewers figured out earlier) - Bo/Tate already had a STRONG connection when they first met - Tate had an emotional reaction when he met Bo. I love this show so much - I want it back, too many reality crap shows are replacing very good shows.



The truth of the matter is that this show was HEAVILY advertised before and still is being advertised. I can't swear to it but I even think I saw an ad for it during NCIS:LA, which is a CBS show.

The premise was excellent, and if handled properly, it would have stood a fighting chance.

What killed this show, was the writing, as so many of us have pointed out. The utter ludicrousness, too many mistakes and "throw something at the TV screen" moments, there were too many to count.

Bo and Tate were essentially "feeling each other out/learning about each other" during the first part of the series, BUT the problem was that Bo's character has essentially fallen apart. She's lost much of her spark. This was strictly the fault of the writers.


I think the real issue is the writers have to make you care about the people that Bo and Tate help along the way. Or even if I care about the person that they are helping, for example the hardware store owner, the situation that the person is in is just not interesting.


But John, that was basically the whole point besides Skouras and the "search and destroy" mission for Bo.

It's not the first time they have done it though. Bo sometimes has the finesse of a bulldozer, and things have a tendency to get destroyed in her wake. Like Tate's dad's house catching fire, the taxi and the windows in the train station.


I hope there is a second season.


I don't think so. It won't surprise me if it's cancelled before the existing episodes are all aired.

I like it, and I'm losing interest, myself (it just didn't compel me after seeing Game of Thrones last night; they're such different quality grades). That's probably happening for a lot of other viewers as well, judging by the ratings.

Grandpa, go home and drink!


I'm intrigued by this show but for the reason you stated Helen...I watched this first because I knew that if I watched this after game of thrones it would just fall flat.


Good call. Maybe I'll switch it around next week, assuming this is still airing then.

Grandpa, go home and drink!


it won't get pulled from the air....a 1.0 for a sunday night is good enough to keep it there.


It's not getting a 1.0, it's getting below that. TV By The Numbers is predicting a cancellation and unfortunately, they are usually correct. I just hope someone at NBC grows a clue and decides to test it on another night and see if the ratings go up. But this is NBC we're talking about, so it's not likely to happen.


I love this show. The storyline, the cast, the potential it has, etc. I don't like the timing- I've only seen two or three of the episodes when it airs on sundays. I hate watching shows on sundays, and there are always a million other things on at the same time. I find myself watching it, and others, online the next day. Do they take online views into consideration?


Sure there's a way. Get people to post on NBC's Facebook page, all encouraging them to keep Believe despite the ratings. Include the fact that with other already successful shows on the air at the same time, it's in a tough spot and as a result is going to get lower ratings since it hasn't established a following yet. It's like trying to compete with the Superbowl, anything airing at the same time is going to get lower than usual ratings. GoT is very popular and religiously watched by many people and to put a new show up against it is practically suicide.

So yeah, encourage them to keep it, point out that you think the low ratings are due to the night/time it's airing and that you really want to see the show continue. Also point out that as it progresses, it should get better ratings.


NBC, in general, has terrible ratings.

People still think of "The Big Three" as CBS, ABC and NBC but, in truth, NBC is like 5th or 6th in television. There was even this obscure station a year or two ago bragging it had higher overall ratings than NBC.

And they have just been green-lighting crap over the years. Hannibal and Dracula were horrible shows.

I like Believe. Is it perfect? No. But its at least different from the million cop shows and melodramas on TV. And I respect anything that has the courage to be different, even if it is flawed.


SimplyirreBraggissible (Mon Apr 7 2014 17:03:24)
NBC, in general, has terrible ratings.

People still think of "The Big Three" as CBS, ABC and NBC but, in truth, NBC is like 5th or 6th in television. There was even this obscure station a year or two ago bragging it had higher overall ratings than NBC.
If you count FOX and TheCW, I'd find it easy to believe that NBC is struggling to get into/stay in the top three. NBC's problem is that they think they are still number one (a little over a decade ago, they were), at least in the sense of thinking that they can add on a new show and if it's going to be a hit, then poof, it'll get the best ratings ever. They don't stop to think that a new show, competing against existing shows that are already popular and pulling in big ratings, won't take over the spot just because they put it on. It's stupidity at best, to be honest. Build up a following in a spot that is weak for other networks, when it catches on and has enough momentum to take on another show, THAT is when to do it. But then again, I'm sure you know that. NBC on the other hand, well...

SimplyirreBraggissible (Mon Apr 7 2014 17:03:24)
And they have just been green-lighting crap over the years. Hannibal and Dracula were horrible shows.
It's not the shows that they are bringing on, it's that some of the shows they decide to keep are bad and some of the shows they decide to cancel are good. FNL, should have died. Outsourced, should have been kept. LAX, they tried to keep it despite it being a gigantic failure. LCS, they canceled before the last episodes aired (and Comedy Central picked it up). Not only that, but one time (2004) NBC released a statement saying that they were keeping LAX on the air because they stand behind their programming (or some other such nonsense), this was shortly after they gave LCS the axe (and Leno even made a joke about that fact). Needless to say, LAX died while LCS continued until 2010 and is returning in May.

NBC has this habit of giving the shaft to potentially great shows so that they fail, while trying to pamper the bad shows. Using Outsourced as an example, it was pulling in good ratings, but then they moved it to 10 (or 10:30?) on Thursday nights. By 10PM, most people are either wanting a drama or to go to sleep, so DUH, ratings are gonna drop. If they had moved new episodes of "The Office" there, I'm sure it would have tanked too, and that was one of it's main ratings programs.

SimplyirreBraggissible (Mon Apr 7 2014 17:03:24)
I like Believe. Is it perfect? No. But its at least different from the million cop shows and melodramas on TV. And I respect anything that has the courage to be different, even if it is flawed.
They should move Hollywood Game Night to Sunday nights, About a Boy/Growing Up Fisher to Thursdays and Believe to Tuesdays. See how that works (I the ratings would be better for the shows that matter, and plummet for the game show that doesn't matter).


Do not blame Lame of Thrones for this show's death. 10 million viewers saw the premiere and have fled faster than a lone altar boy at a priest seminar. Blame it on sheer incompetence. I myself gave it a good chance but I'm done.



"It's not getting a 1.0, it's getting below that."
Incorrect, the last episode got a 1.0, and all prior episodes were higher than that. upon-a-time-american-dream-builders-americas-funniest-home-videos-resu rrection-adjusted-up/252078/

"NBC, in general, has terrible ratings. People still think of 'The Big Three' as CBS, ABC and NBC but, in truth, NBC is like 5th or 6th in television. There was even this obscure station a year or two ago bragging it had higher overall ratings than NBC."
Incorrect, in fact NBC is no. 1 this season, thanks to the Olympics, Blacklist, and The Voice. NBC has had problems prior to this year, but it was never that low, I recall one night last year it was big news when Univision beat NBC, but that is rare. On the CW, a show can get renewed with as low as a 0.4, while on NBC the minimum for renewal is somewhere around 1.3.

Resurrection could be a failure for ABC, which is currently being trampled by the other major networks among 18-49 year olds. Meanwhile, Believe might just be a rare miss for NBC, which has made a roaring comeback after being crushed last year by CBS.

According to Nielsen ratings for the 27 weeks of the 2013-14 broadcast television season, NBC is in first place in that key 18-49 demographic with a 2.9 average rating -- a 21% jump from last season, thanks to the Winter Olympics, The Blacklist, and The Voice. Fox climbed 4% to a 2.6 rating, but CBS unexpectedly slid 20% to a 2.4 rating. ABC fell 9% to a 2.1 rating, only finishing ahead of Univision and the CW. -nbcs-believe-the-business-of.aspx


billdz-geo (Tue Apr 8 2014 10:43:35)
"It's not getting a 1.0, it's getting below that."
Incorrect, the last episode got a 1.0, and all prior episodes were higher than that.
My apologies, I was thinking of the renew/cancel index. bears-nbc-predictions-are-wrong-poll/250356/

As much as I'd like Believe to be renewed, I fear it might not make it. I'm hoping that it does and that NBC doesn't dick around with it like they've done to other shows in the past.


the ironic thing if that NBC DOES screw with the schedule, and gets it out of the Sunday night schedule, it MIGHT stand a very slim chance. We need to how the retooling goes.


By 'dick around' I mean doing things like purposely putting it in time slots it know it will fail or making changes that would obviously get people to lose interest in it.


Well, since it is failing in its current time slot, I'd be in favor of a move to just about anywhere else at this point.



Somehow, NBC has realized that Community is a show worth keeping. I'm not going to complain because I enjoy the show. I think some of their best shows are where they have the school wide games (like where you can't touch the floor and such). Where they do things out of the ordinary. If they would do that for more shows, they would find more of their shows start receiving better ratings from the start. They need to do it with Believe. I'd like Crisis to stay too, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd choose to keep Believe. It's a different kind of show and needs to stay around awhile.


Community flies in the face of everything NBC knows. The ratings defy belief, and they keep it. It is by far their best comedy, and they put it up against The Big Bang Theory just for giggles.

Somehow I think if Community were on Fox it would be a pop culture phenomenon.

Best YouTube channel you're not watching:


Community rocks and I'm glad it hasn't bitten the big one yet. I hope it's around for at least another season or two. After that, I'd say it's time for it to come to an end (seven seasons seems like a good run, why try to push it to the point that it starts to become stale).


I hope the show gets another season.


I also hoped it would get renewed; however, after reading this thread it seems doubtful. *sob*


I love this show, I hope it gets picked up!


Here is the link to check if your favorite shows have been renewed:

Unfortunately, it says that "Believe" is, "A long shot." That's not good news folks. "Resurrection" has been renewed.


Thing is, Hannibal has critical acclaim, and it isn't completely financed by the network. I think it is shared in financing, though I'm not sure if it is 50/50.

As for this show, considering the names involved, behind the scenes anyway, I'm sure this show costs a little money. Then, when you add the ratings aren't spectacular, and no one is raving about it, if anything they rightly see it as a Touch reboot, then you have a show which maybe interesting, but simply premiered at a bad time.

If it came before Touch it would maybe do alright. Also, I think this is the type of show that wouldn't probably survive on Network TV today. Sci-Fi and Fantasy is far from the norm when it comes to Network TV hits, at least nowadays. Yes, Lost was big, but it seems any shows with a fantasy or sci-fi elements since on Network TV have done horribly, or barely got by.

Once Upon a Time seemed to have broken that spell, but it benefits greatly from the characters being familiar names.
Writer at featuring Overview/ Reviews (with Spoilers)


A show where every single episode consists of Bo stubbornly escaping to help random people -occasionally giving them all their money- and Tate going after her but being unable to do anything about it is not the best candidate for season renewal. Every episode is a slight variation of the exact same concept, the writers clearly did not put much effort in writing this show. Oh and the FBI competes in incompetence with The Following's FBI. Please cancel this mess.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.
