MovieChat Forums > Believe (2014) Discussion > Petition to save Believe and Crisis

thanks for letting us know about this.

I didn't think the show would have to worry about getting cancelled for good until towards the last few episodes of the show.

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Maybe if NBC cancels it another network will pick it up. I've seen that happen a few times. I will sign for sure.

I did go sign..they need like 70 sigs the way, I made your link clickable. Hope that was ok.


I did go sign..they need like 70 sigs the way, I made your link clickable. Hope that was ok.


By the way, in an LA Times article about them pulling the May 18th ep, it said that beginning May 25th (after May sweeps)the rest of the eps will begin airing in the regular time slot.


Thank you, I've been getting info from IMDB Pro and Johnny's twitter feed (but things disappear real quick on that)


Crisis is so bad though!


I DVR it or watch it live every week and every week I ask myself why am I watching this....I just cannot get to where I care about the characters or the story. So I think maybe I will stop trying..silly to anyway. I "thought" I was really going to like it,but, it just hasn't clicked with me.
