The near car crash

The last episode, "Prodigy," was pre-empted due to a local wildfire, so I didn't have a chance to watch it until I found it online last night. I apologize for being late to the discussion if this has already been brought up, but I thought the aftermath after the car crash was avoided seemed a little strange. Did the guy going to his wedding really accept fault when the whole situation was caused by Margaret's dad crossing the center line after the hot beverage was spilled on his lap?

I didn't mind the reveal that he was a conductor, but some of the other conversation about contacting him about any damage to the family's vehicle seemed out of place.


Welcome to the world of Believe...where inexplicable things become reality...

The reality is that it could work both ways and I think this is where the original intent was. The guy that was going to his wedding was extremely distracted and may have felt he was partially responsible for whatever accident might have happened.

It's been a while since I've seen this episode though.


I guess that is what they were going for, but the scene left me and my brother asking each other why that guy was taking responsibility for the incident.

I actually enjoy Believe despite some "silliness" surrounding certain plot points and dialogue. I generally don't like to point out the negative in productions I like, but this scene just stood out to me.


It's also possible that some important information and scenes were removed and the result was put back together. Behind the scenes on this show was chaos and apparently, there was quite a bit of creative editing happening.


I think he was taking responsibility because he was in a big rush and didn't want to seem insensitive. He also probably noticed that he seemed to have a lot more money than the family.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam
