The last episode? (spoilers alerts)
in the last episode they made it so that Winter is the bad guy and Skouras is the good guy. Well, i guess they did that cuz it's always an interesting twists to reverse things, but a few major problems with that...
(the show always has a few problems in each episode, but usually it's nothing major)
We see that Winter agreed to give Nina the thing to make her stronger, but we ALSO saw earlier in the series that Winter told Skouras, "STOP! You're pushing her too far!" when they were training Bo before he busted Tate out of prison.
And if Skouras is so great and Winter is so bad, then why are ALL of Skouras psychic "students" injected with something deadly and only the ones in his mansion are infected? Bo was not.
And Bo truly believes that her and Tate will be well taken care of and have Tate's record erased and totally safe from police, FBI, etc...? He's still proven that he can't be trusted.