Hey, welcome, I too am a "rantin/ventin machine". Just looking through a few post relating to show I/we like, seems that many of us think that if we like a show, "poof" its gone.
They they that have more $$$ that control what is being pushed/shoved out on air to watch are still trying to convince people that there are rating systems, and that is pretty much a lie. Has not been any kind of true system for yrs, and that is coming from 2 diff people who have worked within the industry.
That if a show (movies too) doesnt have continues go go go and no "bleeding" and nothing left for us to use any kind of imagination as said show flows and if its deemed "to wholesome"...or just does not work for those who control what is going on air, yanked and ratings blamed. Could add more but to much to type.
One eg is, Chuck, was set to be cancelled several times over, as $$$$ (the beyond mega money butts, opps behinds wanted it gone, again more but this part, basic). Someone with a bit of "pull" and a $$$ company was able to stand behind and have the show continue, again a bit more to it. Yes there was many "letters" and such and that sorta helped but was only because of that other company and one with a bit of "pull", well...would have been nice if that could have been done with Believe, and do know that it would take a bit more than what happen with Chuck, as was, there was a problem and the $$$$ (bigger money) have "plugged loop hole" that did save once.
Dont know, no, that is not quite true, but anyhoo, the entertainment world is/gone? down the hill. Believe was more original than a lot of the stuff out or coming out, but with re makes and re boots and whatever else they is calling/doing to tv, movies too, its like they are "dumb downing" not want us to use any part of our brain to see beyond and really enjoy tv and movies. Reality Crap is being shoved/forced out and making it seem so popular, NOT. Coming out soon, "telling us what to think/feel and do. Over loaded 24/7 lives, but no one is really, (and beginning to think they dont want us to) LIVE LIFE, breathe, and what is wrong with being so called bored ?!?, it is from our imaginations and "boredom" that creativity can spark, new and diff stories that can be used in tv or movies, not just a video game movie/tv based show, remakes or whatever, or at the very least, the re do's could have and be so much more if we...ahh well, done ranting/venting, call it what ya will.
Live life to be alive...and may your day be well or find one thing that gives you that little extra, even just a 😄