MovieChat Forums > Jojo Rabbit (2019) Discussion > Throwing in my two cents *spoilers*

Throwing in my two cents *spoilers*

From Taika Waititi comes a movie that is so funny, yet so needed in today's world. It also comes at a time when the big budget comic book films are being released alongside the independent film industry, which is a trend I don't mind at all. I got to go to an early screening of the film (with a Q&A with Waititi no less)Let's get into this!

The screenplay- This screenplay is just so on top of what the story, and message is saying! We see just how crazy the nazis are, yet it never once lets us forget that this is a reality of insanity. Yes, I know some things are exaggerated for comedic purposes, but there's a lot of stuff in this movie that was a reality in WWII Germany, which is just terrifying.

The acting- Everyone, and I mean everyone is just on point in this movie. While everyone is showing off some amazing comedic acting chops, there are brilliant dramatic moments, making these characters so four dimensional and human. It's really stunning to look at.

Soundtrack- The entire soundtrack in this movie is so cleverly laid out, not juts because all the songs are in german (though that does help) but each song brilliantly correlates with what's happening on screen. It's so good!

Cinematography- DP Mihai Malaimare jr. delivers some amazing camera work in very subtle ways. As the movie progresses, the saturation becomes less, and less while the camera goes from a tripod to handheld to show how Jojo's world is becoming undone. Such good stuff!!!

Score- While the soundtrack is really well incorporated, Michael Giacchino's score really does have some moments where it really depicts the world, and Jojo's mindset.

I really loved this movie. It's worth checking out!
