Ann Frank...

...would have been so happy to know that her life actually amounted to something. If she had escaped that pesky concentration camp, maybe she would be aware of the great honour bestowed on her by the world's foremost musician, that of being considered a "Belieber". But not only that, she would've been thrilled that the attic in which she and her family hid in abject fear for years before being dragged away by the Nazis was used for a pivotal scene in such a neat movie. I know if I was her, nothing would please me more than to witness two of today's hottest new stars getting a round of applause for snogging in front of a wall plastered with pictures of me and my dead family.

I also think, had she survived, this film would have helped her put her experiences into perspective. Yes, as a 15 year-old she witnessed horrors we could never imagine, had to accept her father was murdered and most likely died of typhus, but at least she never had to drag an oxygen cylinder up three flights of stairs. That's real suffering.

What with Bieber and now this, that girl we forgot about who wrote that quirky little diary has truly been put on the map.


This ^ ^




I think beiber said something along the lines of she was a great girl and would have hopefully been a belieber. If any frank was a typical teenage girl today chances are she would have been a belieber.

Stop being offended for the fooking sake of being offended.


Ha ha.,.,I read on Trivia section that the real house wouldn't let the Fox film crew in, maybe after the Bieber thing they didn't want ANY teens or anyone playing teens in there...๎‚•๎‚•

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid".-Roxie Hart

PROFILE PICTURE: Courtney Thorne-Smith,1992.


Otto Frank, her father, survived.

"Sometimes you can only find Heaven by slowly backing away from Hell"


Yeah, I have to say, I found that scene a little bit. . . .eyebrow raising. It was kind of disrespectful. And I don't think any of the other visitors would stand there and break into loud clapping -- again, disrespectful.


You should see the Honest Trailer for this movie. It mentions that very thing.


Who's Ann Frank? I do know an Anne Frank, but I doubt you're talking about her since her father was never murdered.


Otto Frank lived til 1980. Anne's mother died in 1945 from starvation. The OP maybe confusing the two


Well, & if this movie encouraged one young person to read The Diary of Anne Frank, then I think it vindicates, or at least somewhat offsets, any questionable taste on the filmmakers' behalf.

Remember, even in the midst of all the intolerable boredom & discomfort of the hidden existence, Anne did experience her own little bit of angst-y teen romance. She was a real girl, journalling her life, her feelings, after all: she was not intent on becoming the tragically iconic voice of the Holocaust.

I actually believe that she would have loved having a Hollywood romantically sad movie played out against her life story. The Anne of the Diary would be absolutely enchanted! (In my very humble opinion. I'm well aware that others' mileage may vary, & for reasons that may trump my own).
