Life changing
Nice swift kick in the ass for all of us. Brilliant film.
sharei sure hope your life didnt changed like andrew's
shareMy point is, there's a lot of good and inspiration to come out of those that don't let the negativity affect their drive for something.
shareyou mean the lucky ones
not the ones like the student in the movie that suffered from anxiety and depression and killed himself
(ps: its not their choice)
Sure. That sucks. But should every teacher and coach put on Kid Gloves bc some in society have mental illness? Can't happen.
shareDid you notice(and this is open for interpretation)the look of horror on Andrew's fathers face when he peered in through the curtains during the final drum solo. What makes this film so special are all the critical issues that are clearly....maybe not so to debate. It can be argued that although Andrew broke through with his drum what cost? He lost his girlfriend, basically eschewed any outside contacts as well as, potentially his sanity. My point is that it is debatable whether the ends justified the means and whether the end is even happy...
It is an incredible film.
Look of horror? Looked more like pride to me.
shareHe didnt "lose" his gf. He dumped her.
He choose to be a MGTOW over banging Supergirl.
I can see kids getting into drumming because of the movie just like Karate Kid made karate appealing.