I didn't love it

am I the only one?

it was just ok, average to me. I wasn't blown away, can't believe how many people do. like youtubers Chris Stuckmann and the Schmoes.

It was watchable, I wasn't bored. it was shot well, Ben Foster was the highlight. Chris was fine, Jeff was just meh. seemed like a role where he didn't have to put much acting into the role. the characters had good chemistry but I wasn't feeling it. like I said, it didn't blow me away... it didn't make me say WOW, what an excellent movie.

also I didn't love Sicario either, but it was slightly better then this. then again, most movies that come out these days I have trouble seeing what other people see. I feel I'm taking crazy pills when a certain movie is loved by so many and I go and see it and think it was just fine.

PS, I also find Revenant and Birdman overrated.

anyone else feel the same? I'd give it a 6/10


From the RT score I expected more and as usual the trailer was misleading. It was solid and competent but I wanted a little more character development. OTOH you could say they were simple, ordinary folk and there wasn't a great deal to expand upon.

In no way does this approach 'No Country for Old Men' as you might expect from all the hoopla.

I rate it a 7. There are far worse films you could see this year or even this month.


I think 6 is pretty low I really enjoyed this film alot, it was clever how they laundered the money and I also felt it was a solid sophomore effort by the writer. I didn't like it as much as sicario but it also didn't have as good of a director


I wasn't taken aback by this film much at all. It felt average to me, I wasn't emotionally charged by it at any time and when it ended there was no "WoW that was good" which is my usual reaction to a film I really get into. I gave it a 7/10 more of a 6.5/10 though. That's the thing about film it's so subjective. I watched Anthropoid last night and that was a film I really enjoyed more, to each their own of course.

Loved Sicario though.


Well I enjoyed it. Not a masterpiece but good and entertaining. Never saw the trailer so I went in fresh.
A lot better than most of the garbage released this year. 7.5/10


So funny, I feel exactly the same way about this and Sicario. Both are so highly praised, but I thought they were just okay (Sicario at least had one outstanding sequence, the shootout at the border). The same with Revenant. I gotto disagree with you on Birdman though. The story itself was quite simple, but the directing, the photography and Keaton's performance elevated that movie to greatness imo.


I agree. I personally thought it was a good solid movie, and gave it a 7/10 because of that. - Nothing blew me away, nothing really stood out as special to me, but it was solid.

Also i agree with the revenant and birdman, but not sicario that was a really good movie.
