Too many issues to list.

WTF was going on in this movie...

Comedy... yeah sort of.

Lets sleep with a dead girl... in the middle of a park, in the middle of a neighborhood.
Beths' parents couldn't be more annoying, that was just poor casting, but still, the things they said... her retarded mom missing all her fingers and worrying about feeding her dead daughter..

Not once did the guy decide to maybe get a weapon, up until his brother gave him his pistol.


Lets sleep with a dead girl... in the middle of a park, in the middle of a neighborhood.
I quite liked the movie, but I'm glad you mentioned that scene, which I have to admit was truly bizarre ... and bear in mind, in a zombie film. I thought I was seeing things. They did it in broad daylight in a kids' park in the sand under a swing set. I thought I was truly seeing things. Why didn't they just stay in the back of the car?🐭


I know!! A zombie movie with weird stuff in it!! What were they thinking?!?!?!?


The sex in the park, which was right in the middle of town, was the one thing that kind of baffled me.

Everything else, I guess you could blame on the strangeness of the situation and the shock of dead relatives coming back to life, only to realize they are not the same.

Imagine having to deal with your girlfriend now being addicted to smooth jazz.
