I didn't see Time as a villain.

In Marketing, and more specifically the soon to be dead Disney Infinity (RIP), Time is shown to be a Villain/Bad Guy. In fact, those who play Disney Infinity were introduced to him via a Boss Battle... So, I just assumed he was the main villain in this movie...

Even though he does act sort of antagonistic towards our protagonist, Alice, he is in no way evil. It's his job to keep the timeline stable, of course he wouldn't give away the Chronosphere.

Even our main villain, Ol' Queen Big Head gets redeemed in the end, but I never felt that Time was ever malicious or malevolent like Iracebeth was.


This technically should be a spoiler. You are following Alice through her journey. To begin with Alice sees Time as her adversary but yes, in the end, Time was only trying to warn her. Of course, in the end, she acknowledges that he was right all along. *Spoiler alert* We also find out that Helena's character was a victim and that Anne's character was the direct cause of Iracebeth becoming evil.

It is a very good movie and it is too bad that many will miss it due to bad reviews and a few that see it will not get the simple lessons that you can't change the past but you can learn from it and also time is not your enemy but a gift that you should cherish.


If anything Alice was the villain lol. She almost killed time, and everyone. He certainly had reason to be upset.


Yep agree. Fun movie with a nice and useful message.


I think we all thought Time was the villain at first but our opinion changed later on in the film.


What I want to know is why he had a German accent yet dressed in Japanese clothing.


What I want to know is why he had a German accent yet dressed in Japanese clothing.
Accent: I believe they were trying to imply he was Swiss rather than German - given that Switzerland (where they speak German, French, etc) is associated with perfect time pieces.
Clothing: didnt seem particularly Japanese to me.



That's the point of the movie. Time was right... all the time, but Alice was too stubborn to understand that.


The story ended happily ever after...even the Red Queen. I thought the film was magical I will see it again at the theater...better hurry it will be gone soon.

It is not so much the destination as the journey!!!
