What a disaster of a movie.
Unlike few I really really enjoyed the first movie, I thought it was brilliant from the acting to the scenery to even the music, I really enjoyed it.
So of course after seeing he trailer for this one (the pink version) this became my most anticipated movie of 2016 so I decided to watch this on my birthday. What a shameful and atrocious movie this was. The acting was OK but the story was awful, the plot changes from the first (and the whike plot for this film) was awful, the humor just wasn't funny, they changed events slightly with what happened in the first which didn't make sense as we watched it but they showed us something different (when the party god destroyed by the jaberwoki) in this one and the whole 'why the queen became evil' was such an embarrassment to watch it was so stupid, at the end I loved it because of the gasp moment but yet again awful with the most cliche of endings. And with the fate of the red queen SPOILERS, she turns good at the end! What!?! In not adaptation of Alice does she ever turn good. Absolutely stupid.
Defiantly worth a 1/5 and I hope Disney never hires the director who directed this movie again.