Trash trash trash

Another finding a family scenario (Finding Dory) from Disney (how original). Alice in Wonderland is supposed to be weird and dark and FANTASY not full of daddy and mommy issues and family resolutions and pointless backstory. There is zero whimsy or magic. Stupid "witty" humour that isn't even funny and a retarded villain and an even more retarded Johnny. It's like whoever wrote and came up with this story was following a guide book our outline for a generic fantasy with a studio head breathing down their neck. If Disney was hoping this would make serious bank they were delusional.


lol dude get over yourself its ok if you dont like it i diddnt either but theres nothing wrong with a family theme the problem with this film is a piss poor story as for depp he is hardley the problem of this film hes the mad hatter he will all ways be retarded acting thats the character again get over self your not special some people like it some dont but dont pretend your higher minded disney will be more then fine
