It was ok

The people complaining about this movie obviously went to see it with negative views in mind anyway.
The film isnt a waste of time it jist doesnt have the wow factor like the first movie.
In all honesty i didnt want to see it because the alice story was alteady told and wrapped up in the first movie but my young daughter wanted to see it.
We dont see the much beloved relationships between the characters, hatter wasnt my favourite so to have it just about him was a kind of kick in the slats.
It wasnt a dull movie by any means it just doesnt blow you away and fails to hit the highs the first movie did.


the story was about alice not the hatter. it was about alice growing as a person and realizing that time wasn't a bad thing. the hatter's plight was a vehicle for alice to grow by and mature as a person. I think this one improved upon the first film to a high degree. and as far as wow factor goes, I don't think the alice films are designed to wow us, but to charm us. its not supposed to be overtly epic or grand. the cartoon wasn't either. we are supposed to follow this girl on her adventures and watch her grow. although the cgi is pretty nice to look at. love the color palette of these movies.


I agree with you on that but it just wasnt quite right.
I think we watched Alice grow during the first movie, I really dont think it needed a sequel. :-)

God Damn Words Dont Cut You Any Slack


oh well, to each his/her own. :)


Lucky for us that nobody in Hollywood listens to you then.


they listen to you?


Nope, Hollywood doesn't listen to me either, but then I was replying to the person that wrote that the original movie didn't need a sequel. I enjoyed this film.


I actually feel like this movie had a higher "wow" factor then the first. The first was kind of a dull, lifeless thing.

This one had a lot more going for it.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished."


I really didn't see much wow in either movie other than maybe the visuals. Would take the animated movie over both of them.

Really love film, trying to go for a fun, informative, and hopefully funny YouTube channel. Check it out if you get a chance.

The review right here-



This is why I am holding off seeing the movie. I didn't care for the first one and didn't get why they were doing this one. Being that my view is not leaning anywhere near positive (at this time) I am staying away for now.



yes, it's great but doesn't seem as great as the first, at least in the first viewing. my main issue was with mia, it's just alice doesn't seem like the real alice in the first movie.


It is mandatory for me to watch every movie she stars in...
I was just watching Alice Through the Looking Glass today and again she carries the movie on her shoulders because of her emotions. Getting better and better.
I wish I would see more in the future.
to her!
