First of all, I thought the first Alice was ok. Alice Through The Looking Glass I really didn't care for. The characters were to cartoonish and unlikeable. But what bothered me most were the major plotholes in this movie.

- The Chronosphere was some item, with the unique power to go into the past and change events. They all act like it is the most important item in the universe. Well, it just so happens that Time has another device with the EXACT SAME CAPABILITIES. Then why is the Chronosphere so important if there is another device that can do the same thing?

- When Time follows Alice into the past and meets the Mad Hatter and friends, he punishes them by halting them in time, exactly 1 minute before teatime. If they are stuck in time, they can't move. If they can't move, the White Rabbit can't lure Alice to Wonderland, and the events of the first movie can't take place. If the events of the first movie can't take place because Alice wasn't in Wonderland, then the events in the second movie can't take place. This isn't addressed in the movie and is a paradox.

What do you guys think about this?


When Time follows Alice into the past and meets the Mad Hatter and friends, he punishes them by halting them in time, exactly 1 minute before teatime. If they are stuck in time, they can't move.
Lewis Carroll had time stop for the Mad Hatter and the March Hare in the original. They could move around, but because it was always tea time, they were caught in the same ritual.

As for how that's possible, they say that if you were on good terms with Time, boring events would go by in a twinkling, and events you wanted to last forever would.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


The books are a whole different matter. I'm talking about the film and the cinematic universe as a whole. It may be explained in the books, but in the movie they are stuck in time by Time. The movie is very clear on this principle, they try to move and they revert back to their original positions.

As for how that's possible, they say that if you were on good terms with Time, boring events would go by in a twinkling, and events you wanted to last forever would.

I doubt after all that, that the Hatter and friends are on good terms with time ;)



The Chronosphere is the most important. Every other device- the Hour- robot or the clock in Time's chest- works only temporarily and with a lot of effort and disturbances. Only with the Chronosphere can time run smoothly.

About the time-loop, it is a paradox if you assume Time actually meant it by saying they'll be caught in the loop forever. However, he knows this might change history, which Time is very set on not doing, so it was probably only a temporary trick to punish them. Otherwise, nothing makes sense. Not to mention it would've been an awfully cruel thing to do and we learn in the end that he's a pretty decent guy.


No one is questioning the importance of the Chronosphere, simply stating that it's time travel abilities are not unique therefore it never needed to be taken at all.


The chromosphere is important because it controls the great clock and can allow anyone to go back in time. I got the impression that Time was the only one who could control and operate the "hand-car" vehicle that he used to pursue Alice. Also, as they state over and over, the past cannot be changed, but you can learn from it. That's how she learned the fate of the Hatter's family and how to save him.

The Hatter, March Hare, and Doormouse were all stuck at one minute to tea time until "young Alice" arrives. This means the curse was broken in the events prior to the first movie when Alice traveled to Underland as a child and why the White Rabbit was looking for her and why everyone kept asking "THE Alice?" In the flashback to those events in the first movie.

Hope that helps a bit. I enjoyed this movie very much, and maybe I'm a bit mad, but it all made perfect sense to me. :)


The Hatter, March Hare, and Doormouse were all stuck at one minute to tea time until "young Alice" arrives. This means the curse was broken in the events prior to the first movie when Alice traveled to Underland as a child and why the White Rabbit was looking for her and why everyone kept asking "THE Alice?" In the flashback to those events in the first movie.

This is the prefect reason.

I have posted a few times today about how people think the 2010 file was supposed to be an adaption of the first book when it was clearly not an adaption to anyone that paid attention to the film.


Thank you! I enjoyed the first move very much, too! :)


This may fix the whole Stuck in Tine issue but when Iracebeth stormed in on herself and her sister creating the time break her younger self along with her family instantly turn to stone, so did Iracebeth herself. wouldn't that mean her sister also would turn to stone since her younger self did?


They very clearly show Alice and the Hatter using the hand car to follow the queen into the paat after she stole the Chronosphere. As a time travel device, the Chronosphere seems to be nothing special which really destroys the whole driving plot of the movie. Since Alice can't actually change the past, which Time knows, he could have just taken her back and let her learn for herself. The rest would have played out similarly just without Underland in mortal danger.

Excellent explaination about the time loop, though. This movie tried to be too smart for it's audience and a lot went over their heads.


- When Time follows Alice into the past and meets the Mad Hatter and friends, he punishes them by halting them in time, exactly 1 minute before teatime. If they are stuck in time, they can't move. If they can't move, the White Rabbit can't lure Alice to Wonderland, and the events of the first movie can't take place.

The one that got stuck in time is the March hare, not the white rabbit


March Hare and the white rabbit that lured Alice into the Wonderland are not the same rabbit


Can someone please answer me how Alice and the Mad Hatter went back in time to follow the Queen of Hearts and Anne Hathaway when Queen/Anne had sole possession of the Chronosphere)? What did I miss? They just flew in through the window from the future?


Exactly what I wanted to point out. This is simply ANOTHER MAJOR PLOT HOLE! Alice and the Mad Hatter couldn't have followed the Queen and her sister back in time!


The Chronosphere was some item, with the unique power to go into the past and change events.

Well, it just so happens that Time has another device with the EXACT SAME CAPABILITIES

As other people have said this but I want to add my 2 cents.

The Chromosphere does not just allow people to travel through time it CONTROLS time. Without the Chromosphere time will eventually stop.

The other item that Time had got destroyed and nothing bad happened to time as we know it. It was just a vehicle. The Chromosphere on the other hand controls EVERYTHING. So it does not have the "EXACT SAME CAPABILITIES"


Why do people keep brining up the Chronosphere's other purpose like it matters? Proof that reading comprehension is a lost art. No one is saying it wasn't important. The POINT is that it wasn't the only way to time travel which is all Alice wanted. Bottom line is the Chronosphere didn't need to be involved at all and was shoehorned in as a McGuffin. There was never any reason for it to be taken. Any and all of the characters motivations could have been satisfied by Time's hand cart. It only served to add a ticking clock element of tension and since we all know Underland wasn't going to be destroyed even that was fake.


You're assuming they knew what they were doing and that they had their facts straight (which they clearly didn't, since they thought time could be changed). I would also say it's a pretty good bet they didn't know about the hand cart until Time used it.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


The one and only plothole that counts is that it had nothing to do with the book.

'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'


Yep, I was also wondering how did Alice and Madhatter followed Red Queen to the past when she wanted traveled? Theye didn't have the cronosphere, so they wouldn't be able to travel in time.


They took the other device, that Time was using when he was chasing Alice through the past. Alice and The Mad Hatter crash through the window of the castle, and that machine is seen crashing with them.

My question is how did Time, and later Alice, know where in the past to find the people they were chasing through time. The first chase, Time sees Alice go to a specific day, but later they just pop up without explanation. How did Alice know which day the Red Queen chose when she time traveled?
