Best Soundtrack ever!
Birdman or (the unexpected vertue of ignorance) (2014 blu-ray): The first time I saw this movie, five years ago, was on the morning of my birthday and it made me feel a very unique and special way. Birdman is not about following a story, it’s a sensorial experience, a moment captured in time for us to absorb and I feel like this movie will be a part of me for the rest of my life. I made it an habit (when possible) to watch it every morning of my birthdays and this week I turned 35 and took a day off so I was able to put the Blu-ray disc in the Xbox and had a blast with it again. The direction, the editing, the soundtrack make it such an Immersive and hypnotic watch. Just like black is the absence of colour and all colours absorbed at the same time; Birdman is the absence of a movie and yet all movies absorbed into one. One thing’s for sure, it never felt like it hits you on the balls with a miniature hammer. I’m sorry, what was the question? My rating: 8.5/10