
Ok, so I just watched this film for the first time. I'm wondering: did Riggan really have telekinesis? Was he moving things with his mind? Or is that just part of his mental fantasy breakdown? I would think that if he could really do half of that stuff he would become an even bigger star than he already is. (If it is just a fantasy then the light falling onto the actor's head was a huge coincidence.)

Why would he hide it? Because he doesn't want to be poked and prodded by a thousand scientists and government agents? So he is not forced into performing tricks constantly?

I dunno. Birdman is one of the oddest films I've seen and I'm just not sure what to make of it or the events in it.


He was throwing things and imagining he had telekinesis. This is made evident when Jake walks in on him during his breakdown. It shifts from him throwing things with his mind to him actually throwing things.
