Meaningless ambiguity
Not all kinds of ambiguity are bad. But here it seems that the filmmakers threw a bunch of disparate, random ideas/images together in the final section with no regards to how any of it would cohere. I've yet to hear a satisfying, coherent interpretation.
Here's an example. In the words of an IMDb Trivia entry:
Ironically, at the end of the movie when Riggan is supposedly rid of Birdman, he ends up in a face cast resembling Birdman's mask. He removes this to reveal a new nose shaped like a beak, then sends out his first "tweet", and proceeds to "fly" out the window.
These choices only confuse readings of the movie. Is it a good thing that he’s become Birdman, ie. a super-guy thanks to the theater, somehow instead of Movie Birdman? Or is it, as the movie has been saying all along, a bad thing that he’s still Birdman, a product, and he can’t make Birdman go away despite his efforts? And if the latter, how come, since his play and his acting were such a success? It's all left muddled up in the air.
I've devoted a few hours reading what's been written by others on this movie to see if some meaning can come out of it and it hasn't. I'm giving it 6.5/10 because I can appreciate some of its qualities like style, acting and the ideas in the initial premise, but in my opinion it's far from a great, meaningful work. share