Worst thing about the movie

He had gold in his hand, this movie was amazing, but my suspension of disbelief died when the young masked killer got killed, she survived with 2 arrows and bleeding against 2 grown males. jezz...


The story was fine but for me it seemed too gimmicky and shot way too fast. The motel attack I had to watch two or three times to see what all was going on.


Agreed. The movie would've been much better if it was slowed down and had tighter editing. Sometimes it was hard to tell what was happening because it was moving so fast and it also made it less suspenseful IMO. If they slowed some scenes down they could've built up the tension more.


I'd have to say the worst bit of the movie was the lead actress. In any scene where she wasn't in immediate danger she was stunningly bad.


The worst thing about this movie is ... pretty much everything.


They've omitted the pork loin with lime jello.

Can't, I'm afraid. Matinee of Le Miz. Christ, I'll call you.
