MovieChat Forums > Shingeki no Kyojin (2013) Discussion > Does Eren get less annoying?

Does Eren get less annoying?

Just watched the first 2 episodes and I'm enjoying it so far apart from one thing, Eren's constant shouting/whining. I usually binge watch like 8 episodes at a time but had to take a break after 2. Does he calm himself down a bit later on in the show?


I never found him to be annoying, so I guess it's all relative.

Just watch and find out for yourself.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


op prob got beat up/lost girl to someone like eren

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The guy who said you prob lost a girl to someone like eren is retarded and probably 14. You asked a legit question without trolling. I agree, Eren is extremely annoying in the early episodes. He is constantly screaming and sounds like a whiny turd. I was worried about it as well. The good thing is his voice gets lower in pitch after the show jumps forward five years and his outbursts arent as frequent. He does still randomly scream *beep* in that annoying way but its more tolerable in the later episodes and the great story makes it worth while. However, Armin is a whiny little bitch all throughout... but again, the story makes it worth while.


hey retard, I'm just here to let your dumb self know that pukimg up that someone 'is 14' out of nowhere is beyond imbecilic, but I'm not sure how to explain it to a poopforbrain that doesn't have naturally the sense to realize its sad dementedness

also, coward, you hoped to hide from me and not get noticed by not responding directly, how's that working? stupid little loser

and as to your 'points'... lol... e-boy is the hero of the show, he's surrounded by apathetic idiots and fake warriors who don't even plan to fight really; a sane person would see the dissonance between reality and their perceptions/actions as e did and try to wake them up, as he did, cause he cared. whiny little bitches get butthurt when they see a man being manly lol

btw great of you to point out what specifically triggered youπŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ idiot
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You just proved his point, lol. You're a *beep* moron.


pfff... loser... most vapid, cliche 'response' is all you got, moron. gtfo πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜·

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Wow, you're a sad little individual. Butthurt over nothing, you're certainly no an adult. Some kid who can't take it when someone points out the obvious. Grow up.


Coward? Who could be afraid of anyone on the internet? I just clicked respond i dont care if you see what i said... and your latest response shows that you do have the mentality of a fourteen year old. Throwing out random insults poopforbrain? Yeah you sound very mature man... Your first post was rude and immature to someone who was asking a legit question. Weather or not our opinions of the show differ is irrelevant... Hiding from you by not responding directly? HHAHAHA



It's okay he clearly has some issues and uses the internet to feel worthwhile.


Dw after a few more episodes it won't be an issue at all.



I agree Eren is beyond irritating, Naruto has more self control and wit than him, lol! But unfortunately he doesn't relent and will continue shouting and whining, don't worry though, the show is very good and will make up for it anyway! :)
