'That was so hot'

I lol at the girls, who seemed to be freaking out when Tyler was beating the crap out yet another guy named Jessie.

But as soon as Tyler was done with his beating, the girls all thought it was incredible. Don't know which girl said 'that was so hot', but it was funny.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


From that scene, I am convince Salwa is the new Sammy. She was yelling random things very slowly. "Staahhhp. Oh...my God. Break......it....up." I thought it was rather relaxed dialogue for such an intense fight.


The funniest part of that fight for me was when Joey jumped all bad with the guy AFTER he was on the ground and pretty much helpless! I also notice that whenever there is a conflict, Shain tends to stand in the background and not say anything until he knows it's safe.


The funniest part of that fight for me was when Joey jumped all bad with the guy AFTER he was on the ground and pretty much helpless! I also notice that whenever there is a conflict, Shain tends to stand in the background and not say anything until he knows it's safe.

I noticed that too. What was all that garbage last week about them making a man out of Tyler. Looks like HE could teach THEM a thing or two.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


You're right. I didn't see ANY of them besides Tyler getting anywhere near that fight until it was pretty much over. Joey goes in the house hugging him like they both defeated a giant and he didn't do anything but yell at him. Kinda like Mike on JS, he was would start a ton of drama and then step out of it, and then when it was over act like he was all big and bad. I hate that stuff.


Shain stepped in when the other guy had Tyler against the truck. He was pulling the other guy off of Tyler. The fight looked edited. I thought Tyler had blood on his lip, so the other guy must have gotten a punch in, which I didn't see.

On Jersey Shore, Mike only started one fight back in Season One. I never saw what came of that, since the confrontation looked to me to be edited. I only saw Pauly punch a guy who was being held back by security.


Mike's mouth has started many confrontations and then backed away because he knew that either his friends or security was going to step in.

The other guy did get a few licks in on Tyler. That was not a fair fight as it was a couple people against one. Like you said though, I am sure it was staged.


No way that was staged. That first punch Tyler threw was legit, and busted Jessie's nose. I didn't like that they broke it up when Jessie looked like he could do something, but they didn't jump the guy. And Jessie didn't land any punches. Only blood on Tyler was from Jessie.


Yeah, Tyler definitely seems to get the most women and could kick Joey and Shain's a$$es.


It sounded like Katie who said 'that was hot'

honey badger don't care.


I'm not sure which of the girls said "Tyler, that was so hot". I have to say those girls are easily impressed. Jesse (B?) was so drunk he could barely stand up, much less have much of a chance to defend himself. I thought Tyler went a little too far in beating on him long after he was down.

I wonder what Ashley thought of it all, he was supposed to be her friend, after all. I really think most of the guys didn't want him around because they felt he was trying to horn in on their TV show. "We're the stars, dammit, who does this guy think he is?". He even came with his own character, super sloppy drunk boy.


Yeah he was drunk. And Tyler was on the top step too.. it's easy to push someone down that.

But that Jesse guy looked so dirty.... ew..... Just no. Don't touch me or come near me.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


And Tyler was on the top step too.. it's easy to push someone down that.

Tyler had the high ground!


I thought it was Ashley who said "That was hot." At first I thought it was Katie, but then when they came inside she was smiling and said some more stuff about how incredibly it was and I recognized that it was her voice. It seems really bitchy that she was the one who brought him there in the first place and then she was turned on that he got beat up.

I never even understood what he did that made the guys hate him so much. I was disappointed since I thought it was going to be Jesse J that was going to get beaten up. It's almost like the guys were too scared to take on Jesse J, so the producers brought in some other guy named Jesse for them to beat up. It would be like if on The Vampire Diaries they advertised that they were going to kill Klaus, then brought in another guy named Klaus and killed him. Big cop out.


You don't understand what he did? He was a weirdo who randomly pulled out a knife while alone with one of the girls. Then he was starting a bunch of trouble and yelling at people at the girls' house. He is lucky he didn't get beat down more. Tyler took it easy on him on the ground.

Why would they fight with Jessie J? His relationship with Shea had nothing to do with them. Did they even cross paths with him?


Well he was the idiot who got in Tyler's face while Tyler was on the top step. And once you get in someone's face, there is no complaining about not being ready for what happens.

