There. That is proof that this idiotic show is disruptive and fake. Why watch this complete POS garbage show? All it does is exploit young people who wanted to get rich and famous quick, and give people more of a reason to hate on WV.
You could tell it was majorly scripted(especially the part with the black Neighbor) but I find it hilarious that those kids are probably not even from WV and are just acting is if they are. How low is MTV sinking? This show existing must drive you insane since you are from WV. I posted in another thread that I'm from KY and I am fed up with shows like this and Honey Boo Boo because they are ruining states like WV and KY. This article proves that these shows are exaggerated and that not everyone that lives in these states are Hillbillies and Rednecks.
I'm right there with you, I'm so fed up with this. Where's the show about the kids in WV who worked their asses off and actually were successful?
I have to say though at least most of the kids really are from WV unfortunately. I think three of the girls graduated from my high school a couple years ahead of me. But that proves another lie- the show tries to make it sound like they are all from Sissonville and grew up in poverty when in reality, they went to and lived near a school that is often stereotyped as the "snotty rich kid school" (another unfair stereotype that I won't get into). This whole thing makes me want to beat my head against the wall. It would be less painful than this show.
I agree, you never see a reality show about a business or a normal family in any of these states. It's always a reality show about the stereotypical Hillbilly family. The sad part is that if those kids went to a good high school it looks like they would have a little bit more respect and ambition to do something more with their lives instead of making their home state look horrible.
Don't bash Honey Boo Boo! She's awesome! And her family is great. They love each other and they give back to their community. And their mom is smart and puts all their money in a trust fund for them.
They are pretty great.. I can't stand when people diss them.
Jersey Shore was a cash cow for MTV. Originally it was cheap to make and the ratings were huge, much larger than they anticipated and far more than their traditional reality shows.
So now MTV is trying desperately to fill the time slot with the same kind of thing to keep the money flowing in.
Go to the facebook/twitter pages of the cast and they think they are going to be rich and famous now. So making big money is the only goal anyone attached to this scripted "reality" show has.
"Sure I'll act like a slut and do dumb stuff for money and modeling gigs."
My mother was born and bred in West Virginia and she would die if she saw this. She heard about it though on the news and said "yeah, we are a different breed, but we aren't inbred like they are trying to portray us". Sad that older folks that were raised there have to look at these fools. I admit I watched it because it's curious people like me that keep the ratings up, but the whole time I was thinking "scripted, trash, ignorant and moronic". Someone said they make the Jersey Shore cast look classy. Well, I wouldn't say classy but maybe, dare I say, almost normal??
I can't stand it when people say a show 'makes their state look bad' or 'makes their race look bad' or makes 'teen mothers look bad'. Just stop it. This is a SHOW it's meant for entertainment purposes. Not to bash a state.
We know that not everybody from WV acts like the people on Buckwild. And no matter how realistic this show or any other show is, you have to realize the show is about THAT SPECIFIC GROUP of people. Not everybody in WV. I live in Ohio & I know a ton of people who act like this & a ton who don't. There are people like this all over the country. So stop saying it makes your state look bad just because it happened to be filmed there.
Because no matter what, some people are going to look at WV as a whole when watching this. It wasn't done with Jersey Shore because the cast wasn't from Jersey Shore. And like someone else said, instead of calling this a reality show, it should be called a sitcom because we all know it's scripted like one and truth be told hardly anyone is laughing with these kids, they are laughing at them because they act like rejects and think they are fooling people.
I Am... great article... thanks... sadly the same thing can be said about every other so called "Reality" show that clogs Cable TV today... everyone of them is a cheaply produced, staged, scripted, fake POS...
My question is, why do the slimeballs in charge of Cable TV insist on calling this crap "Reality"... when they know, and by now most everybody agrees, it has as much to do with "Reality" as does an episode of the FLINTSTONES...
I think it's time to stop pawning this garbage off as "Reality" and start calling it what it is... a SitCom...
"I don't respond to shills/trolls, I put them on my IGNORE LIST"
As a white Southerner, I realize that I come from one of the last groups people can collectively racially mock. There is no way on earth this show would exist or last if it amplified the very worst and negative stereotypes of a subset of, say, blacks or Mexicans (and every honest poster knows that). I guess we lack a lobby. As a proud Southerner, I have never partook in the behavior of this group of young miscreants (minus hunting), but I would be lying to say these folks don't exist in the South b/c they do. In my state, Georgia, there are quite a few rural white kids basically shortening their lives with self-destructive behavior. And if they don't mind being made fun of, knowing the audience is laughing at them and not with them, I guess that's on them, but for me I hate it. People who think it means nothing, let us have the controllers of popular culture constantly portray your group the way a few and bad among your worst behave, and then endlessly generalize that as the standard for what you are, year after year.
There are plenty of shows that enhance the worst of black stereotypes. As a black Northerner, I'm tired of shows like Flavor of Love, Love & Hip Hop, Basketball Wives, Real Housewives of Atlanta and there's a new show coming out called All My Babies Mama's. These shows do not reflect all black people but yet there's no outcry for them to be cancelled. At the end of the day these shows get ratings and are here to stay. However, I know that there's more to black culture than what's currently conveyed on TV.
Stereotypes are based on a level of truth. I'm not denying that there are people in WV who do some of the unconventional recreational activities that are seen on Buckwild. The problem is when people think WV and only picture these idiots playing up the stereotype just for ratings. It would be nice if the media would focus on something good in WV for once. We would love some good attention, or at the very least, attention that isn't negative.