Fassbender. Oscar nomination for pained face alone!
The grief, agony and distress that Fassbender conveyed without saying a word is Oscar worthy on it's own. One of the finest actors of our time.
The grief, agony and distress that Fassbender conveyed without saying a word is Oscar worthy on it's own. One of the finest actors of our time.
Great actor but same pain face as magneto.
shareIsabel made him change.
It seemed like he was ridgid in the beginning. I thought he was acting like a soldier who was forced to feel nothing in the face of loosing friends to Ww1 so officers would continue to trust him.
Later he wanted to do anything to protect his wife even while being watched by investigators.
I agree. The movie wasn't as great as I expected it to be, but Fassbender made a lot of moments linger ..