The headache and nausea I was experiencing from illness dissipated. That's how engrossing it was. It could have easily been one of those movies that drag on, but the whole two hours I was deeply engaged and very entertained. The acting was good and the story was one to make one think. A moral dilemma vs. escape from agonizing emotional torment and trauma. On one hand, it was easy to fault and ridicule Vikander's character, but on the other I could emphasize. Not emphasize to where I could see myself doing that, but simply knowing there is pain people go through that we could not know unless we are in their shoes.
I feel the character Fassbender portrayed should have been stronger with enough foresight to put his foot down to begin with, but we all have weak moments. In the end I know, in my heart, he did the right thing. They both did, in the end. Weisz' character even embodies my following sentiment: To err is human; to correct and act compassionately, well that's what being a good human is.
Meant to put this elsewhere and now I can't delete- sorry for the duplicate.