The "New" Topanga
Okay, Topanga seriously changed between BMW and GMW and they have yet to offer an explanation. I've felt this since early on, but the latest episode "Girl Meets Her Monster" sealed it for me. It wasn't the lesson so much as the way her temper was exaggerated. Her whole family is essentially terrified of her. I mean "monster" really?! I think she was a tiny bit like this at points in BMW, and having kids and being a lawyer could arguably make it more intense to a degree, but no one's allowed to stand up to her, disagree with her, argue with her, or point out that she's being completely ridiculous. Even her husband is afraid of her. Crawling in windows because she locked him out for disliking her chicken, I mean come on! This isn't realistic and it isn't that much like her even. If you're going to change a returning character this much, then you owe the returning audience an explanation because it doesn't make sense. She has her deep/good moments, but other than that I can't stand her anymore.