The "New" Topanga

Okay, Topanga seriously changed between BMW and GMW and they have yet to offer an explanation. I've felt this since early on, but the latest episode "Girl Meets Her Monster" sealed it for me. It wasn't the lesson so much as the way her temper was exaggerated. Her whole family is essentially terrified of her. I mean "monster" really?! I think she was a tiny bit like this at points in BMW, and having kids and being a lawyer could arguably make it more intense to a degree, but no one's allowed to stand up to her, disagree with her, argue with her, or point out that she's being completely ridiculous. Even her husband is afraid of her. Crawling in windows because she locked him out for disliking her chicken, I mean come on! This isn't realistic and it isn't that much like her even. If you're going to change a returning character this much, then you owe the returning audience an explanation because it doesn't make sense. She has her deep/good moments, but other than that I can't stand her anymore.


As much as I agree with you, I don't think there is any problem with her intimidation factor. I do have a problem with her essentially always getting things to go her way, and I don't think she should be wearing the pants in the relationship necessarily... but I like the kind of success that she has that isn't too outlandish and does keep her marriage with Cory at a pretty even keel.

I do think, however, that Topanga is the one character that if played nearly just like she was in BMW that she would have changed the likes of everyone around her, in a good way. I equate it to Lois in Family Guy, as that character is responsible for keeping everyone else in check. Because Lois has changed, so have the rest of them. Same goes for Topanga, who is now often "comic relief."

Not my favorite thing, but I'm just glad that she grounded that little brat. Not only that, she stuck with it after the apology as well. Even still, the ending (hanging outside of the doors) was a beautiful scene. It humanized Topanga more than we have seen her pretty much this entire series.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


The last episode was actually one of my favorites. And if you remember in the latest season or so of BMW Topanga was kind of a control freak. That's the way it seemed to me anyway. I actually really disliked her character in the end. She was constantly playing games with Cory as far as their relationship was concerned. Breaking up with him over and over because of dumb reasons in college. Things like that. I think it's believable that she'd end up who she is now. And I liked that she put her foot down with Riley. She needed to get angry. Riley was disrespectful. Cory is the one that kind of bugs me. I think Cory is too goofy. He was definitely goofy in BMW but he still had a serious side. Now he's just all goof.


Well,like I said, the lesson was good, but the title called her a "monster" and her own husband is afraid of her, I think it goes too far. That's just a specific example, there were others. And yes, at the end of BMW she got on my nerves too. Her comparing her and Cory's relationship to her parents' and then freaking out and dragging that on was just stupid. Cory's character may be trying to balance out Topanga, if she's going to be a "shark" who can't stand to have things even explained to her without getting defensive and angry (remember "Meets Mr. Squirrels") "Are you explaining something to me?!" type of attitude, there needs to be some balance.


She wears the pants in the family because she is bringing home more bacon than Cory.


Also, Cory is a manchild. They need one adult in the marriage.

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They didn't change Topanga, they changed Cory. After years of marriage he has become "whipped" (for lack of better word), and she still acts like the overbearing control freak she did show herself to be in BMW.

Someone ever tries to kill you... you try to kill em right back.


^^^^ I miss this Cory! He would actually stand up for himself. Oh how I wish they would just move this to a different channel so sh*t could just get real like BMW lol And I would love to see a real argument between Riley and Topanga. Mother daughter relationships can get ugly at this age.


Cory was always a little cry baby. any time he didn't get what he wanted he had a temper tantrum like a two year old


Wow, I forgot that Savage actually tried to act years ago. I remember when Cory was a character not a caricature.

Where are the Asian characters DC CW? #MoreAsians


What is getting very tired is the man child on television. Cory is an immature father who relegated parental responsibilities to Topanga. Disney has no respect for fathers.


Once again, this was an episode that had great potential, but because of it being on Disney, they had to tone it down. So disappointing. Also, we needed to see Riley and Topanga really get at each other without Corey acting like a cornball. Sometimes I forget that he is a parent on this show.
