Gift exchange
Did I miss something but did Riley not get a gift lol but she gave out a gift
shareDid I miss something but did Riley not get a gift lol but she gave out a gift
I hope lucas doesnt leave the show since i like his character.
shareThat's a pretty cool theory! I would've been interested to see that, however spoilers from the episode tapings imply that the "Goodbye" in the title of GM Goodbye is about the Matthews having to move away (which then doesn't end up happening, but it does cause a lot of big emotional moments and significant changes for a lot of the characters, especially Riley and Lucas, and the BMW characters.)
And there was a scene from the Christmas episode where we heard about Lucas's gift to Riley, but this scene was cut from the final edit.
We're drawing up a plan for world domination. The key element? Coffee makers that think.
Move them back to PA ? The loss of Topanga's successful career with a NYC law firm ? Starting Cory over in a school system in PA? The devastating loss of Maya, Farkle, and Lucas to Riley and the devastating loss of Ava to Augie ?! Talk about very, very bad parenting - it's just another very, very BAD,BAD idea (an attempt to top the triangle disaster ?). Can you see 9 year old AVa running away from home to Augie's new home in PA ? (Or more likely 9 year old Augie running back to NYC and Ava!) Why on earth would they even think about moving back to PA when they know it would cost them all those things ?
shareDoy wouldn't be missed - But Ava is absolutely necessary.
[quote..]Id rather have no show in the Boy Meets World universe if it meant no more Ava & Doy oh well no show for you [/quote]
Do you understand that you're saying the exact same thing I did ? Ava is an absolute necessity - she's Augie's Topanga - without her, there is no new BMW or GMW. If we're having another BMW universe, she has to be there.
You'd be wrong - Lucas is an adjunct character - added, but not essential - Ava is obviously this generation's Topanga to Augie's "Cory" (You should have noticed that the relationship between Topanga and Ava is also the same affectionate competition as the relationship between Topanga and Cory's mother.) Lucas can move back to Texas without being missed - but Ava, on the other hand, is essential.
Auggie and Ava are a side show. They are the slap stick comedy. They aren't anything of importance on this show. At least, their relationship isn't.
The Matthews moving away ? Or Topanga moving away for a year to complete some project ?
No that's about Topanga getting a offer to study abroad in England!
Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
Re: Chemistry
image for user acarl-01703
by acarl-01703 » 2 minutes ago (Wed Dec 14 2016 10:52:34) Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since November 2015
I dont know why there is such a slow progression with Lucas and Riley. if they're gonna date, let them date. I personally dont want to see any relationship between Lucas and Maya. i do recall seeing on Twitter #GMWwriters were doing a Q/A and someone asked about the Lucas Maya interest and the writers responded "we are not done with that" dont know what that means.
I just answered the post about chemistry with that above. maybe what you Dandanger write about early speculation is what the writers were referring to when they responded with what I wrote above. sounds plausible with what you wrote cause Riley and Lucas have absolutely no chemistry at all.
Maya got Lucas for the gift-giving ("I won't even tell you if it's a him or ha-hurr") and Lucas got Riley, there was a scene filmed where Lucas sent a letter from Texas saying he donated toys to kids in need for Riley's gift but it was cut from the final edit.
We're drawing up a plan for world domination. The key element? Coffee makers that think.