why no Rachel?

She's the biggest one from the original series to not return, has this been at all addressed? I can only imagine maybe the actress doesn't wish to, because she'd certainly be easy enough to write in, and it's hard to believe none of the others have kept in touch with her.


Yeah that is odd. The actress, Maitland Ward, often visited the set so she's on good terms with the cast/producers obviously. But as far as the character being addressed - she was mentioned in the Semi-Formal episode that Jack guest starred in. She still keeps in touch with Eric, whereas she no longer talks to Jack.


I actually thought they were going to bring her back after "Semi-Formal" but they ended up dropping Jack's storyline so maybe that's why.


never realized she was the white chicks girl

**Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Turn away from sin and to Christ**


The writers don't know how to write. That's probably why.



I thought rachel would have made a comeback on the show.




Yeaah, I think that's why.. Parents will send complains if Maitland reprise Rachel on kids network lol


Nail's head, hit.




She should only appear when Eric or Jack appears. Or else, it will be really awkward to hear Cory talk about all the times he supposedly hung out with her.

"Hey, Rachel, remember when I watched you dance in that purple underwear?"


I agree if both jack and eric appear then rachel returning makes sense.


Well she and Topanga were friends too, remember, they and Angela all lived together for a bit in the apartment. Then again, in Angela's episode, she and Topanga didn't share a single scene, though Angela appeared with Cory, and IN the bakery. That was disappointing.


I think she should only return if Eric and/or Jack was there too.

