MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > January Episodes and Descriptions *NEW T...

January Episodes and Descriptions *NEW TIME*

Friday, January 06
"World Meets Girl" (1 hour special)
(6:00 - 7:00 P.M. EST)
Fans peek behind the scenes of "Girl Meets World."

Friday, January 13
"Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen"
(6:00 - 6:30 P.M. EST)
With Riley's 16th birthday approaching, the kids contemplate the future and how rapidly their relationships will change in a few short years.

Friday, January 20
"Girl Meets Goodbye" (Season Finale)
(6:00 - 6:30 P.M. EST)
Episode Details TBD

The source doesn't show the title in the season finale episode, I added that in since we already know the name of it. It doesn't mention it being a season or series finale either.

I think "Sweet Sixteen" ends in a cliffhanger, so Disney decided not to release a description of the season finale to avoid spoilers.



"Girl Meets Goodbye" (Season Finale)

it iz series final deal wid it


If it was the series finale, wouldn't you think they would mention that? The press release doesn't mention it's a finale of any sorts. I, personally, wouldn't care too much if it was cancelled. I'm not a huge fan of the show, but I enjoy certain parts of it.

The main reason I hope it's renewed because I follow some GMW fans on Twitter, andI'm getting annoyed by GMW fans filling up my Twitter timeline with "#SaveGMW", "#RenewGMW", "#GMWDeservesMore"etc.. Also I know if it's not renewed there's going to be so many stupid tweets like "Let's boycott Disney Channel until they renew it", "Disney Channel is so stupid for canceling this completely perfect show with no faults at all and renewing all its other garbage shows I don't even bother to watch because I know they'll be stupid", "I'm never watching Disney Channel again",...etc..

I just hope Disney makes an official announcement soon.


I've heard that "Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen" is a cliffhanger - could it be that Josh will show up for the party with a date ? That Maya is heartbroken and Lucas takes her off alone to comfort her ? That they get too close together and give in and Riley catches them (or does it just appear that they're giving in ?) As if that would make any difference?). That Farkle comforts Riley and they suddenly decide that they want each other and couldn't care less about what Maya and Lucas were up to? Or that they convince her that she was mistaken and she isn't angry at all (impossible)? That Riley actually doesn't feel betrayed and devastated - that she's able to quickly give up her anger at the betrayal(exactly what it was!) That she isn't angry at Maya and Lucas at all and still trusts and likes them both? And what about Smackle ? Are she and Zay going to run off happily together ?Could anybody actually believe any of that ? Given the fear and concern Riley has shown when she thinks Maya likes Lucas again? Could anyone actually believe that it would end with them living happily ever and still being very good friends ? Words like unrealistic, unbelievable and impossible in real life come to mind and just lousy writing. The whole idea was so appalling to me, I just had to say all that.


grow up n git outta yoz moms basement 


You should crawl back into your moms basement and learn how to properly write!!!!


It's too late,the person involved has huffed too much paint fumes,sniffed too much glue,and huffed too much gasoline fumes to be able to grasp the concepts of grammar,spelling and how to construct a simple sentence!!!


I'm confused but weren't the kids in 9th grade during this season? So why is Riley turning 16 or have they went to the 10th? Cause I know usually you turn 16 in the 10th or 11th grade, never the 9th, that I know of anyway.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


2 choices:

1: The creators don't care about continuity about ages and years in school.
Wouldn't be the first time, considering in BMW, Cory started as a 6th grader in the 1st season In the 2nd season, he was in a highschool that started in 7th grade, they mention it's a 6 year highschool. Four Years Later, he's a senior and they talk about "these past four years of highschool" So he went from 7th grade to 12th grade in 4 years.
They've actually already made that mistake in the show, with showing a 9th grader in the middle school in S1 (saying she goes to school there), but they mentioned in S2 that they were in the 8th grade when finishing middle school so they are in the 9th grade in this new high school

2: Riley's just thinking about the fact that her 16th birthday will come sooner than they think.


Schools are a little different in NY. Instead of middle school it is called Junior High School and most of them run seven through nine where the students have the choice to graduate after the eighth. In which case, though high school is nine through twelve, you have a lot of "Froshmores" who begin High School in the tenth grade. Cory went to school in Philadelphia and I have no idea how that works.

I do believe that Riley should not be 16 yet, based not only on their grades, but also ages that were stated in earlier seasons. Assuming that there was no extra time past off screen and they are still freshmen, she should be turning 15 and not 16.


I'm pretty sure I remember them saying in show that they were in middle school.


They started High School the first two episodes of this season - they were starting ninth grade - age : 14. Riley would be 14 becoming 15. Given 4th season (please) they could be ending it next year with them graduating from High School.


I agree that it's a little soon for Riley to be turning sixteen. What the writers should've done was a Quinceanera episode for Smackle, who would be turning fifteen anyway. Or a sweet sixteen for Maya, who is apparently a year older than Riley.

I ate a pear. I ate three pears. - Lizzie Borden
