MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > Petition for the show to be picked up by...

Petition for the show to be picked up by Netflix/Hulu/etc.

Since with show cancellation naturally comes the #SaveGMW campaigns there's going to be like a thousand different petitions so I figured I'd post the one I've seen the most support behind here.

If you wanna sign a petition and try and get GMW picked up by Netflix (which is the most likely contender right now) click and sign here.

We're drawing up a plan for world domination. The key element? Coffee makers that think.


Since GMW is produced by Disney don't count on it.


Disney would still make some money from the show if it was picked up by Netflix, but they wouldn't have to pay for anything or have the show on the network anymore. It's a win/win for them.


I think the show wouldnt have to have to worry about censorship as much on netflix like with disney.


Won't happen because the actors are still locked into the Disney family. Rowan is apart of A Wrinkle in Time, Sabrina is signed onto Hollywood records. Both still Disney. Some actors split and go their own way others still hang around the Disney tree. I don't see Disney letting those 2 stray far.


NetFlix maybe Hulu No Disney seems to have closer ties w/ Netflix w/ Marvel's Shows and Fuller House and such
Most shows on Hulu are Fox
Based or WB Based programing.

(WB Studios I Mean, Not Necessarily CW)

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Even the shows that Hulu Streams that previously aired on CBS are a subsidiary of Fox or atleast they used to be

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
