Something I don't get...

So this isn't specifically pertaining to this show, just something I've noticed a lot of in general on Disney shows and I guess Nickelodeon as well, I don't really know because mainly I just catch it when flipping through the channels, but what the f%&*@(%*@&%)@_%*&@#$&@($*$&##*# is up with girls constantly wearing stupid wigs and tutus with everything?


wigs idk but little girls love tiaras and tutus and sometimes wands and angel/fairy Wings too. So i guess it's a stereotype

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Little girls are one thing and yeah that's definitely a stereotype and it's bad enough, but they seem to do this even with teenaged girls who are way past the ballerina/fairy princess stage.


What the hell shows are you watching? Find me a single screenshot proving this because I think you're watching Dance Moms instead and maybe letting on a little too much about yourself than you thought


He's watching things like Ava doing a good job mocking Carmen Miranda. Or Rowan doing a fine job mocking Greta Garbo.
