I am tired of the GMW fandom attempting to get this show renewed for another season or more. The show is not that great. It's not a quality show. It's cheesy at times. Definitely not the best one. And why do we need lessons shoved in our face? If they can't focus on Cory and Topanga which is the reason the show even gained a fanbase don't bother making more seasons. I can guarantee you majority of people watching are from the 90s and came to see Cory and Topanga. The new generation got old fast.
You realize that it's written like that because of the limitations that Disney puts on its shows. All Disney shows are goofy and corny and don't ever get too deep. When the actors get older, they typically can the show.
If GMW was moved to Netflix, the writing would be more like BMW was. Disney was always the wrong place for it. BMW wouldn't even be able to air on Disney, at least nothing past season 2. It was too real after that.
In reply to your comment: If GMW was moved to Netflix, the writing would be more like BMW was. Disney was always the wrong place for it.
Jacobs once said thqt whether on disney or freeform, gmw would STILL be the same way it is. he said this when everyone was ripping into gmw for being cheesy. He was like "oh it would have been the same content."
Now don't get me wrong, i never and still don't believe him. But that's what he said.
Jacobs once said thqt whether on disney or freeform, gmw would STILL be the same way it is. he said this when everyone was ripping into gmw for being cheesy. He was like "oh it would have been the same content."
If that's true, then that guy is definitely off of his rocker.
Does he not understand the biggest reason why Disney axed this series is because of the way it is written?
If the content stood the same, more viewers would tune out. Networks wouldn't tolerate that, especially nowadays with pirating and streaming services. This isn't the '90s when Boy Meets World (1993) was running, along with the ABC TGIF (1990) programming block.
To the OP: It should be the other way around. They're going to have one heck of a time selling the rights if Jacobs will not fix any of the problems that's wrong with this show. They'd have to buy him out as well.
There's a number of mitigating factors they would have to take into consideration, especially if it all boils down to sloppy writing.
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If that's true, then that guy is definitely off of his rocker.
Granted Jacobs is pretty damn old so maybe senility is setting in? But if you ask me there's no question crazyforyou19 is the real one off his rocker.
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Here's an idea how about you grow up and stop being a pathetic manchild? 90% of your posts are on this board for a show you claim you stopped watching early Season 2! Let me see in my mental image you must have never had a girlfriend kiss your own mom and pay her rent for the basement? I hope zero of my tax money goes to pay for your midnight munchies and CoD DLC.
Let me see in my mental image you must have never had a girlfriend kiss your own mom and pay her rent for the basement? I hope zero of my tax money goes to pay for your midnight munchies and CoD DLC.
I'm a girl and i never played call of duty. but i DO love my midnight munchies *eating chips right now* so you got me there 😁
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If GMW was moved to Netflix, the writing would be more like BMW was.
Doubtful. There've been much better written shows with the 'limitations' Disney and other kid channels impose, yet they are vastly superior in quality. The writers and showrunner(s) are the problem, they have lost touch with how to properly create a coming-of-age story. Netflix isn't going to magically fix all the problems. I mean, their Arrested Development and Gilmore Girls revivals were atrocious...
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lol except the show was actually decent for a solid season & a half at teh beginning before they tried to write serious storylines and the problem wasn't "limitations" it was that the writing and dialogue was terrible and no amount of freedom would fix that. Do you honestly think anything would have made episodes like STEM, commonism, or love triangle better? come on
AS I said in another post NetFlix maybe... Hulu NO! Netflix tends to work w/ Disney lol ke w/ the Marvel shows and Fullerhouse etc. Hulu tends to run w/ Fox and WB even the shows Hulu streams that air on CBS are a subsidiary of Fox or atleast it used to be.
Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
Boy Meets World wasn't better because it had "deep subject matter". You could argue the episodes with deep subject matter are the worst BMW had to offer. Boy Meets World was better because it was actually funny and had better writing, characters, settings, etc. Has nothing to do with deep subject matter. Girl Meets World going on Free form and talking about rape wouldn't make it a good show.
Boy Meets World wasn't better because it had "deep subject matter". You could argue the episodes with deep subject matter are the worst BMW had to offer. Boy Meets World was better because it was actually funny and had better writing, characters, settings, etc.
I disagree. The ones with the more serious subject matter are my favorite episodes and I still watch them and refer to them allot even today.
Boy meets world was better written with better writers. Girl meets world had decent characters but too much with the preachy and repetitive storylines.
You're dumb. The show moving to Netflix would allow it to possibly GROW and become better. It only sucked on Disney because it they wouldn't let it push boundaries like BMW did. The solution is for it to be moved so the show can get another chance and be better as that was not going to happen while being on Disney. But now I'm reading Jacobs was being soft and could have likely pushed boundaries. If that's the case, then he truly set this show to fail and need his ass beat.
I really appreciate your public admission here that you're incapable of growing out of your manchild phase (or growing out of your mom's basement). That takes a lot of bravery
Based on all the posts I've successfully gotten deleted from you (which is alot), you must have a sexual fetish for getting the moderator's attention (daddy issues?). BTW post reported, maybe you shouldn't censor bypass next time.
I make no mistakes. You're the loser who talks garbage and can't take responsibility for your own nonsense. What drugs are you on? You want to start with me and get all victim when you get called out on your nonsense? How pathetic and slimy.
Talking about yourself? Not surprised. Well your reporting didn't go good this time around because my post is still there after FOUR days. I guess a real admin finally came in to check things out and didn't see a problem.
GMW's main problem was that it was not allow to mature. It had very little issues to deal with. Another was the romance between Riley and Lucas was non existent. What GMW did right is that they created a sismance between Riley and Maya was almost the same as the bromance between Cory and Shawn.
How does people attempting to get this show picked up by Netflix or whatever effect your life, exactly? Is somebody making you pay attention to the show or pay attention to the people trying to get it picked up by Netflix? If so, your complaint should be with them. If not, then you can easily stop this irritation by not paying attention to it (a good way to start would be to stop whining about it on a message board about the show)