Topanga Needs A Safe Space??
Almost 40 years old and stressed about moving.
She needs her little business for her safe space.
None of these people would make it in real life!!
Almost 40 years old and stressed about moving.
She needs her little business for her safe space.
None of these people would make it in real life!!
I think its just the show is trying to squeeze out as many liberalisms as they can before they pull the plug.
"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".
Alot of people need Their place to make a decision You hear stories of these ball players going to the field after hours whether to decide to move to another team or retire.
What about in the Dare Devil Movie where he goes on top of the buildings when its raining.
or people bringing the love of their lives to a cave that nobody knows about etc. eventually proposing later on.
OR the person who has to do community service ast a homeless shelter or nursing home onlu to keep going after their time is vompleted.
It's not that far fetched, especially in TV Land.
Not to mention Making a life Changing decision w\ adozen people waiting fot you to decide. Especially IF there' alot of pressure for you to decide.
Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
Not to mention If sdhe went to the office of her firm her boss would tell her the opposite and say "She'd be a fool and maske the biggest mistake of her Life!" if she did't take the offer! Wish her parents could've been there to help her decide (probably the 2 final actors to play them since the seemed the most cocourant) if not them the two actors who were on sSmallville
Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
You sound triggered
shareShe's a very successful NYC lawyer, she's bound to be under a lot of stress to begin with, and owning the shop has been her release.
shareI believe the term was "quiet space" instead of safe space, although someone can correct me on that if they can. Either way, I don't think it's nearly as dramatic as you're making it sound. She just needed to be alone and get a little perspective in a place where she could think it through on her own. Lots of people have special places where they like to go to have alone time or whatever.
Of all the characters on this show, Topanga is one that I am sure would make it in real life.
This. Topanga going off to think about what is important to her in her life and realizing that she cares about running the cafe. She cares about her kids being around their friends. She cares about having that great meeting place as part of her life. There is nothing wrong with that. Topanga can decide she cares more about running the cafe then running the office in London. Moving is a big deal and all sorts of things go into that decision. It isn't as simple as oh she makes more money so she should move. Topganga didn't want to move.